Chapter Fifteen

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Kuron sat in his cell, quietly staring at the envelope he had. The name 'Fake Shiro' was written in bold print, he wanted to tell Lance that his name was Kuron not Fake Shiro. He took a deep breath, before ripping the envelope open, he simply stared at the little amount of neat writing that had marked the page. He didn't want to read it, but he knew he had no choice.


Dear Fakey,

You must be celebreating now, huh? You always wanted me gone and now I am. Are you happy now?  I don't have much to tell you, you already know everything. So, goodbye and I hope your life is miserable.

Sincerely, Lance


Kuron frowned a bit, he did know. He also knew the words that Lance wanted to but didn't put on the letter, he understood how horribly he treated the blue paladin and how nothing could make up for it. He was stuck, he wasn't sure what to do next. He wasn't recieving any orders from the galra anymore and that alone made Kuron shiver in fear. He always had a job, but now he didn't. He was just a prisoner.

A prisoner. Like Lance was on the castle ship, a prisoner in his own home. Abuse at every corner at every minute of the day, trying to hold out, but like any human he started to crack. And the crack spread through his soul, until it shattered. And no one was there to pick up the peices, Lance had to do that himself. Who knew how many times he cut himself on the shards or how much tape and glue he used. No one would know until he told them, and Kuron knew it would be a while.

Kuron looked out his window into the endless galaxy. The protectors of the galaxy failed at their job, and now were paying the price for it. Kuron couldn't help but wonder how expensive it would be.

Guys, I am soooo sorry. I wanted to write more than this but School hasn't been agreeing with me, I am working on an animation and an animatic, and my own story. Any time I had I would open this and write a few words before something popped up and dragged me away!

I can't promise it won't happen again, but the next chapter should (hopefully) be loner. Again, I'm sorry.


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