Chapter fourteen

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Hunk glared down at the plates of food he had made sometime before they called Lance, he flipped the yellow envelope in his hands repeatedly. Trying to gather the courage to open the letter. Looking at it left a twisted feeling in his gut. He held his breath as he opened it, carefully so he didn't ruin the envelope.
He pulled the paper out, and paused as a large seed fell out as well. He picked it up and eyed it curiously. He set it to the side, hoping for an explanation for the seed.
He unfolded the letter, noticing how it had been trimmed to fit his text exactly.


Dear Hunk,

That seed is for an alien friut, you remember those cat aliens's fruit salad? That seed is what fruit they used! I even put detailed instructions on how to care for it.
Anyway, the main reason I am writing this is to tell you, bye. I am leaving, so you don't need to worry about me dragging you down anymore, or making anymore food for me! Not that I've been eating recently. Did you ever notice? How I stopped going to eat with you guys? Did you ever stop once to wonder where I was?? No, probably not. Anyway, I can't write much since I am going to leave in a little under a hour and need to finish cleaning my room up, got to get rid of my plants so you don't need to water them.
I just want you to know that even though I consider you my brother, I hate you. I hope I can forgve you soon but for now I hate you.
Talk to you later!



Hunk frowned in thought, he didn't remember Lance not showing up for dinner. He made sure he made all six plates. SIx, not seven. Not Lance.
Hunk slouched on his chair, he had never felt so guilty. The first year with Lance gone, Hunk had been blaming him, thinking that Lance was at fault and was being selfish. He never considered why he left.


Sorry for it being super short, but I have been lazy expecially since it is still Christmas break and almost new years and I need to sleep more!!!!
Anywho!! I have been more into My Hero Acadamia, but more spicifically Tododeku and Villian!Deku. I will still put a lot of my work into this fanfic but I will most likely be working more on a Villian Deku fanfic, or just a tododeku fanfic, not sure yet.

Again, sorry it is short but I didn't want to wait for school to start again because then it would be even more stressful.


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