Chapter Nine

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 Lance hardly heard Matt's worried voice ringing in his ears, he was stuck in his own head. Fear, shame, and anger all could explain his feelings toward the situation. He aloud them to see him.  They saw what was done to him, they saw how he was weak. He was weak in their eyes, he was never enough. Not even now.

He needed a drink, or a job. Any kind would do. 

"Lance!" Matt screamed worriedly, he was gripping his hands tightly.

"Hm?" Lance said, finally able to hear him over the ringing. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked if you were okay." He said, relaxing a bit. Lance smiled casually.

"Course I am. I just needed to think through what I should do next. It's fine for now."

He said this repeatedly in his own mind,

It's fine, it's fine.

Calm down.

Why are you so pathetic?

Calm down, It's fine. 

Get a mission.

Ignore it.

"Matt, do you have any news on the robot? Is she still reacting badly to my magic?" Lance questioned, ignoring the storm in his mind. It could wait, he could wait.

"Hm." Matt nodded, "She's talking freely now, kind of a jerk. But after a few more field testing  then she'll be delivered too you. Ready to go!" Matt said grinning happily.

"Great, call me when it's done. I'll stop by after my mission."

"You have a mission?" 

"I do now, c'ya." With that Lance hung up, heading to the local galaxy bar to get a job.


I KNOW! It's super short, but I seriously couldn't do anything with this chapter! It was really frustrating. Anyways, the next chapter should be longer.


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