Chapter Twelve

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I started the first sentence and realized I forgot I had a bottle of soda, so I stopped and started opening it- bad idea. It went everywhere! T^T

Shiro ran his hand shakily through his hair once he finished reading, he paused for a moment, running his fingers over Lance's writing. He had named his clone "fake Shiro" but now he had a proper name, Kuron.

He shook his bangs out of his eyes, he needed to read this. He slowly opened the letter, he hadn't been expecting to see blood on it. He felt himself stiffen in surprise and worry. He shook his head quickly and flipped open the letter.

Dear Fakey!

I am sure you will be glad to know that your abuse has finally paid off, I'm gone. I just wanted to say that I hate you for what you did, for what you made me do, and how you made me feel. When you are found out and hopefully killed I will mercilessly laugh at the though of your demise. 

I don't have much to say to you. Maybe you are curious on the blood?That was an accident, getting blood on the paper I mean. 

You already know what I do, so you must know where it is from. I can't write long, I  need to leave soon. I am doing your letter first so this is pretty much just me procrastinating from doing the other ones, ha!

I am literally sobbing at my desk right now. Why did you target me? No I know why.  I hate you.


Shiro stared at the paper as it crumbled in his hand, he had even more questions. What did his clone do? Shiro stood up straight, he should just ask him. Shiro quickly cleaned himself up so he didn't look like an emotional mess and hurried down to where they kept the clone.

Once he got to the cell, his clone looked at him lazily. 

"Yo." He said, Shiro ignored him and stared at him darkly, trying to figure him out it seemed. "Tch. Whatever." Kuron hissed.

Shiro held up Kuron's letter which grabbed his attention. "This was written to you, I have questions that need answers." Kuron eyed the paper silently.

"By Lance, right?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, "I can answer questions you have, most of them." He said. Guilt flooded his clones face which confused him. "My order was to take the strongest out, when I calculated that Voltron couldn't function without Lance, I decided he was the strongest. I followed my orders. Once he disappeared I started to...feel things. I hate him and his stupid ability to befriend everything. It nearly worked on me until I found a trigger. I had thought I would feel proud to get rid of him, but it just hurt." He said, covering his head.

Shiro hesitated, he knew his clone was becoming more human but he needed his answers. "Calm down, I just need answers...You are getting better with emotions though." He added as a little praise, a small strained smile fell upon his clones lips.

Shiro opened the letter, letting Kuron's eyes scan the page before settling down in front of Kuron's bars.

"The blood and what I did to him?" Kuron asked, getting a nod from Shiro. Kuron sighed sadly, "He self-harmed daily, usually at night when everyone slept. The other one, everyday after everyone slept or before they woke I would beat Lance." Shiro sucked in a breath, struggling to think calmly.

"After a month he stopped crying. And calling for help." He stopped, "Why are you looking into him now?"

"I know something happened while he was gone. Something horrible...Wait!" Suddenly he felt a rush of pride, "You can still hack into the galrean tech right?See information they stored?" When Kuron nodded he grinned, "You can look and see if the have anything on Lance!" Kuron's eyes widened slowly.

"I-I can try." He said.

"Thank you." He said with a smile, kissing Kuron softly on the cheek. "I want to help Lance." Kuron nodded in agreement, "I know it won't be soon but I believe he can learn to forgive you to, since the Galra controlled you then." He reassured, smiling at his clone who smiled softly back.

"You go check on the others, I'll start looking." Kuron said calmly, Shiro nodded. Bidding his friend good bye and began walking around to find one of the paladins.


Hello! As you can tell I am shipping Kuron and Shiro! Next chapter is Pidge!

Anyways I forgot to mention on the Q/A chapter, you can ask questions to Lance and the robot if you remember her and Matt, Kuron to if you want.

I am also going to recommend two stories on wattpad. One is by me that I am starting called Hide and Seek (Connor x Markus). It is Detroit Become Human.

The other is my friend who is writing a story. It is called Fighting Machines. I will see if they are willing to comment on this or the Q/A so you guys can check them out!

One more thing, sorry, how would you guys feel about a Christmas themed filler? Not now but closer to Christmas?

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