Chapter Four

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Lance woke up to his new alliance friends screaming outside of his ship's door. Groaning he sat up and spoke to his ship, "Open main door." After a second the door slid open and in front of him was three tired looking paladin's.
"Keith, Pidge, Hunk, how can I help you?" He said simply as he stood up, stretching his tired limbs, Astra hopped into the room sleepily.
"W-We just wanted to let you know that we are going to try and hack into the Galra's main computer-" Hunk paused seeing Lance zone out as he sat at his computer,"L-Lance?" He stuttered in question.
" I managed to get in their computers a month after I left. I'm opening it up." He said shortly, wanting to leave as soon as possible.
"WHA-?!" Pidge started," If you know that and did it in so little time, why didn't you do that when you were with us?" Lance didn't say anything to her.
" Pidge." She stiffened at being singled out, "How did people get into the Garrison?" Without waiting for an answer he continued, " Either you are hella smart or a very talented pilot, or you have a shitload of cash. Do I act like a raised rich kid? I got in for my intelligence. You didn't see that because of how I acted, and I'm partially at fault for that, I should have communicated clearer. But even so, if you looked outside what is in front of you or around then there will be a lot more to that subject." Lance said, not once looking from his computer screen. "That works in more than one situation, keep that in mind." With that he stood and took the tablet from Keith's hands and plugged it into his ship.
"Transfer data." Nothing happened which confused the paladins. Irk marks began to appear, " Transfer Data!" He said loudly, a small meter appeared and slowly turned blue.
"Transfer finished." His ship announced.  Lance rolled his eyes playfully at Astra who groaned loudly in annoyance.
He gave the tablet back and sat back diwn, stretching his arms before putting a book over his eyes.


Sorry that's all for now, mainly since I wanted to GET something in and not abandon this story, I'm also starting an Assassination Classroom fanfic, I got the idea while watching Reck it Ralph.
Anyway, tell me what you want to happen next! The chapters are going to be a lot smaller because I'm now writing on a phone and not a computer.
That's all, see ya next time!

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