Chapter Seven: WARNING!!!

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A/N: Hello! This is gonna be in a dream like writing style so don't be confused if it gets all over the place. It's a dream. Also, what do you think will happen in this story? Please comment, I might reply, but uh it's a maybe. Never been comfortable commenting or replying to things so it'll be newish for me! Anyway Enjoy!!

WARNING- Skip is you are not comfortable with themes of torture, mentions/hints toward rape, or self-harm/depression

The room was nothing more than a box, the bars showing the outside was an abyss filled with faraway stars and galaxies. No noise could be heard. The lights in the cells was to dim causing the shadows to be larger and more intimidating than it should be, creating monsters of insecurities. Large teeth and eyes, big hunched over bodies with claws and spikes on every end.

But that didn't scare Lance, it never had. So when the whispers filled his head from the monsters, he didn't even bat an eye. A clanking sound came from outside, he couldn't find out where though. It grew louder and louder until his ears were ringing, he preferred the terrifying silence.

The cell opened. Lance wanted to escape but found he couldn't move his legs, the refused to move; Were they frozen? Would one wrong move cause them to shatter into millions of pieces? Did he want to know? 

In came a large purple galran altean hybrid, his long silver hair to silky for Lance. He had a cruel smirk as he laughed loudly. As he did, pain was felt all over. He could feel his skin being sliced and burned,his ear cut for the princes obsession with Alteans, could feel himself being branded again.

Again? Did this happen before?

He couldn't scream out, his mouth refused to work, or maybe it worked and he was mute. Either way no other noises irrupted the mocking laughter aimed at him.

The he could feel hands, all over. The touches despite unwanted refused to leave. The way the seemed to examine him.

He preferred the pain.

Then he was alone, left in the dark cell. He noticed a mirror suddenly besides him.

When did it get there?

Lance crawled on his hands and knees toward it, ignoring the clanking noise that came from the chains that were attached to him.

When there, Lance saw himself. It wasn't what he expected.

It was changing?

From a child version of him, covered in bruises from siblings and grass stained shorts, soaked from the rain. Surrounded by people who loved him.

The him in a garrison outfit, dark eyes hiding from the only person who cared for him to slice his own skin and watch it gather and drip.

 Then to him in blue armor, surrounded by people who abused him verbally and emotionally for two years. But he smiled to the children of aliens who he helped save, ignoring the insecurities of monsters gathering in his shadow.

Then to red, silent and angry. Believing all the cruel words told to him and by him, abandoned b friends and cared for by another. The one who grew apart, and ran away.

Then to him doing small jobs with Matt, his friend who cared for him. His outfit nothing more than black jeans and a black shirt with occasionally a helmet.

Then a prisoner, pale skin, blood dripping from everywhere, bruises of hands over his neck, chains on his wrists and ankles, his ears dark red at the top, his body to skinny and bony. He was broken, he shattered from a wrong step, shattering into millions of pieces that he cut himself on trying to pick up.

Lastly to electricity, bright blue guns and dark armor, cold and calculating. Working for change alone but with help. With a companion, and creating more.

The image was flickering, but no one else was supposed to show. But it did, a cat.

Large like a lion, but with a coat of galaxies and glowing eyes and tails.

A growl from her sent the walls tumbling and the chains breaking. Sending him into a room of white.

With his family, at the beach. 

His mother had been beautiful, but the beauty was long destroyed and no dreams would bring her back. 

With one powerful wave, he and everyone else was submerged in saltwater.

He woke up.


Short I know, but aren't all dreams? Anyway, I never drew a dream out before so don't judge okay? The dream has a lot of hidden meanings, can you find them?

Bye Bye~~~

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