Chapter Eleven

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I HAVE DECIDED!!!! That Shiro x Lance would be in the past and Keith X Lance is the more present one!



Shiro frowned as he held his letter and his clones letters in his hand, he felt nervous for some reason. He silently sat on the chair that was in the corner of his room and peeled his letter open. The paper inside was neatly folded and when Shiro flipped open it, the cursive on the page was elegant. He took a breath and started reading.

Dear Shiro,

Do you remember when me and Keith carried you to safety from the Garrison? Well- nevermind. Did I tell you how much I looked up to you? I was always trying to impress you. Sadly, for some reason it never worked. 

I was jealous of Keith for somehow always being so close to you, but I never wanted to pry. You must be wondering why I left.

When you pulled that disappearing act, everything became so much worse. I tried to hold everyone together, but the insults and pain became to much. I don't remember the last time I ate.

Anyway, I thought  you might want to know that I don't blame you. 


I hate them. I'm sure you know who I am talking about. I hope one day I can forgive them, but not anytime soon. Anyway I have to stop here because I have to sneak out before the others wake up. 

Have a good life!

Love you lots,


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