Chapter Ten

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The air around team Voltron was tense, Hunk was nervously tapping his fingers, Pidge was cleaning their glasses, Shiro was staring out of a window, Allura was just now walking in with Keith and Coran.

"We should start the discussion." Shiro said with a sigh, he sat down on the couch besides Pidge.

Keith nodded in agreement and sat across from them besides Hunk. Allura and Coran sat at opposite ends of the long table.

"While Kuron was here, what happened? Why or what caused Lance to leave?" Shiro started, staring at his team, when he had returned they couldn't function properly at all, he had always known that it was Lance who kept the team together and when he left they all broke down. He knew this. What he didn't know was why, why did loyal and kind Lance suddenly up and leave without a reason. 

The team was silent, no one willing to admit the truth of what they had done when Kuron was around or even when Kuron hadn't been there, they all knew they were caused Lance to leave. Or they at least were one of the reasons. They weren't sure.

Shiro sighed, "Someone say something, unless I should call Matt and ask him. Seeing as he and Lance seem close, he must know." He said calmly.

"We- uh.. May have been um, a bit, mean to him....a lot..." Pidge started slowly, their voice lowering in shame the more they spoke. Shiro was quiet for a moment.

"Mean..." He started, "'Mean' doesn't make people leave, what did you guys do?"

"I can tell you..."Coran spoke up, twirling his orange mustache in his hand, Shiro looked up and nodded his head.

"Well, I can tell you what some of us did, I only know a few..." Shiro nodded, making a hand-motion to carry on.

"Well, when you disappeared, Keith took over the Black Lion, Lance went to Red, and Allura to Blue, this broke the poor boys heat. Also a little time after, Kieth pushed himself in training and when Lance tried to help him take care of him, Keith lashed out. Every time until Lance left him alone. I to lashed out at him, he stopped speaking to me, and avoided me. Allura started criticizing everything he did, any time he tried to lighten the mood he was scolded. I am afraid this is all I know. It must not seem like much but it was so terrible I can't explain."

Shiro nodded and looked at Hunk, he was staring at his large hands.

"I-I messed up." He whimpered softly, "I started stress baking, and my panic attacks got worse. Lance always tried to take care of me... but I don't know! I couldn't function and I accused of-of so many things that I didn't mean! I didn't even notice when he stopped eating until he was gone! Even after he started to avoid me, when he saw me having a bad panic attack he immediately helped me!" Hunk sobbed, holding his head in shame, he felt he had failed at being Lance's friend, in a way he had.

"I-I insulted him, everyday. I was focused on finding you. I ignored my own health but Lance didn't. He was always there, and stayed for so long despite me insulting him. Even when he stopped speaking to me, I still found food outside of my door." Pidge admitted, taking their glasses off and staring into the fake lenses.

"I see. What about when Kuron was here?"

"I-I became self-absorbed, I thought I was so much better than Lance." Pidge said, looking away. They opened their mouth before shutting it again.

"When he claimed that Kuron wasn't you, when we still thought it was, I turned all of his valid points down. I was so angry with him, and when Red didn't let me back in." Keith said.

"Me, Allura, and Kuron considered ways of getting him off the team." All eyes turned to Pidge who was silently crying, Allura, who had been silent, snapped her head to Pidge. "Kuron convinced me that Lance wasn't to be trusted and that we needed to get Keith back in the red lion, everything he said made sense at the time but now... " She shook her head silently.

"We haven't even touched his room since he disappeared." Allura said softly, her voice almost inaudible.

"What?" Shiro said sharply, making everyone stiffen, "There could have been clues in there and you didn't look!" He snapped, he was disappointed in his team. "I'm going there, you all sit here and wait. I want you to think of a way to earn Lance's forgiveness, I don't expect him to forgive you in a day but at least try to jump start the process."

With that he left the room.


Shiro frowned in front of Lance's old room, it was at the end of a hall, and away from everyone else room. When he stepped in he was attacked with the smell of something close to cinnamon . He quickly looked around the room for the source. On the desk was some sort of candle, it was half-way burned. On it was a sticky note, it was pretty cursive.

Last: 8 years

Note: Scent varies on buyers mood after lighting, flame goes out after buyers death

Shiro's eyes widened at that, what did cinnamon mean?

Shaking his head, he explored the room. On the small shelves, books were neatly lined up with shells in between each different series of books. On the corners were journals that were so filled they were overfilling.

When he opened it he noticed multiple different colored envelopes, he shut the notebook and frowned at the letters.

There were seven of them, each one had a different name.

Green - Gremlin, Red - Emo, Yellow - Hunky,Black - Real Shiro,White - Fake Shiro, Orange - Coran Coran the Gorgeous Man, Pink - Princess

Shiro noted the colors as well, a soft smile growing as he noted the names.

With his hand tightening on the letters he turned and headed to the lounge, he was silent as he entered, noting the team was silent as well.

"He wrote letters." He announced after a moment. He grabbed his and Kuron's, and set the others on the table. "Read them when you're ready."

With that he left, when he was in his room he opened the letter to himself.


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Heya! I know you guys must be excited for the letters mentioned in the prologue! The next chapters are going to be around one character and their letters and them ya'know breaking down! Then Lance will be back, promise.

Thank you for reading, and sorry for the late chapter!


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