Q/A ANd More

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Q/A Is Here:

FairyTailWolf12 asked: Do you like to read? If so what type of books do you like to read?

ANSWER: I actually read a lot. My favorite types of books that aren't fanfic's are fantasy and romance.

KatTeen246 asked: How old are you and what made you start writing?

ANSWER: I am now 15! And I started writing to ignore reality while going through some hard times. I won't go into specifics, sorry.

Hello! Instead of the background, I'm just giving you the first part of my story :

When she woke up she felt the rough dirt pressing into her skin- no, no, she couldn’t feel it. It was more of a sense, then a feeling. And she wasn’t sure if she had skin, it was more like a colorful mist that gathered to form her body. She placed her small pale hand on the ground, pushing herself up. She didn’t expect her entire body to jerk out of the dark earth and float a good foot off of the floor.

She stayed still for a moment, before examining herself. Her bright colored hair was down past her waist and curled around her, almost swallowing up her small body. Her head supplied the color for her messy curls; pink. Her skin was deathly pale- at the observation she began to laugh. A high-pitched sound that made the air around her vibrate, she didn’t know why the thought made her react so strongly.

When she finally went silent she felt her face relax into a blank expression. What did she look like? She floated less than a yard away to where a calm river was, it flowed smoothly, and created a mirror like surface.

Her eyes were large black orbs, her nose was small and slightly rounded, her lips were thin and scarred from what looked like being chewed on to often. She wore a loose grey sweater that had a turtleneck, black tights with holes on the left knee, and black work boots. One small detail that seemed to gain her attention was the fact that she was transparent and everything around her was dead and covered in red and black substances. It felt wrong to her, shouldn’t it be a different color?

Green. Her brain supplied automatically. She frowned a bit as she finished exploring the small area.

She had no idea who she was, no clue where she was from, or how she got where she was now .But she knew three things that she held close. She was lost, she was being chased, and she needed to get to the Oasis. No matter the cost.

She had no idea where to start, her entire being was thrown into bright flashing lights and sounds. Laughs and cheers. A party. Why was she at a party? Just as quick as the memory came it was gone in a flash of grey, black, and red.

She decided that those were the colors of death, and the pink, blue, and green that she thought of was life. She hoped the oasis had those colors. Straightening up, started away from the river. She was yanked backward, a pull back to the place she woke up from, it was like a chain attached to her soul. Being forced to follow the rules laid out for her. Stay and be good, stay and be a pretty ornament for the death woods. She hated it, so with a determined look in her eyes, she pushed herself farther and farther from the river, even when it felt like she was being strangled, until finally the chain broke.

She felt herself fly forward as the hold on her was released, she jerked straight toward a tree, she quickly blocked her face as she waited for impact. It never came, she felt her body flow through the blackened tree, she could feel it’s life flowing. How was it alive if it was obviously dead? She stopped herself midair after she made it through the tree, her arms stretched out on either side and her body stiffened. She looked as though the were floating on her stomach, her legs from the knees down stood up. She sighed in relief that she wasn’t going to go flying though more trees and started to straighten herself out.

Shoving the hair out of her face, she began to move her arms and legs until she was in a standing position, she still couldn’t touch the floor. She floated through the dead but alive trees, her head turning every which way as she searched for any signs of life- again she laughed. She laughed until large tears flowed from her eyes. She paused when she felt a tear near her lips, she stuck her tongue out and swiped it away. Noticing the harsh taste of salt water, more so than normal. Why?

She frowned in though, she rubbed her face clean of tears and continued. A few times she saw an owl or cat, but they were all keeping their distance.

At one point she even saw a light grey wolf, they were common in her hometown. Where was her hometown? She decided to think of it as a slip up, and she just assumed they were common in the area. She sighed through her nose, she was feeling tired. But wide awake at the same time, she frowned when a bright light flashed through the tree’s bloody branches. The sun. Her brain applied the name to the object. It was a dark orange color, while the moon had been a soft blue. She wanted the moon to return, but it didn’t.

She froze when an old dying bush rustled near her, she glared at the area suspiciously before wanding on. She stopped again when she heard a branch snap from in front of her. Whatever was there wanted her cornered, she hated being cornered. With a determined huff, she dove forward, trying to get away from whatever was watching her quickly. A wet boney hand grabbed her ankle, yanking her back toward them.

She turned and noticed the dark creatures. Their bodies were made of bone and smoke, their eyes an eerie red, and their hands were painted in crimson. From the others,her head added. She used her other leg to kick the horrifying creature off and tried to hurry away. Keeping herself away from their claws and sharp teeth. One managed to graze her ankle, this confused her greatly. If she could go through trees then how come these things could harm her? Shaking it off, she continued to rush through the thick woods. Occasionally stopping to either see animals or just because she felt something similar to tiredness.

She paused when she spotted a strange cat like shadow. It was laying on a branch and was fading in and out of the world. She floated closer until the small cat looked up at her.

“Hello there, human.” The cat meowed lowly, his voice was smooth yet was touched with old age. “How are you here?”

“Hm? What do you mean?” She questioned, relaxing onto her knees so she could pet the cat. He purred as she scratched behind his ear. “Your fur is very dirty.” His black dur was stuck together with mud, and his dark blue eyes were wide. He was in danger, just like her.

“Are you not of the dead?” The cat rumbled, “Or am I dying at last?” She shrugged.

Whatever this cat was going on about, she was ignorant of it.

“Where are you from?” She asked the small cat, he started to his paws before collapsing into her arms, at first she thought he would slip through, but he stayed and his body thumped to the floor and decayed quickly before disappearing.

“I am… not quite sure right now.” His muzzle twitched, “I suppose I am dead now. The in between was much prettier than this.” He noted, “On a lighter note,” He floated back to the branch and slowly lowered himself down, “My name is Spirit.” He growled kindly, “What is yours?”

“My name?” She questioned uncertainty,”I don’t know.”

“Well what should I call you? Pick a name.” He responded, making a continue motion with his paw.

“You may call me, ‘Stray’.” She said, a soft smile growing onto her face that once held no emotion. “Call me Stray please.”

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