Chapter Five

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Lance silently sat up, he had woken up from a nightmare a few hours before and he had been laying on his back staring at the ceiling, willing for time to speed up.
After what felt like an eternity it was finally 6:00 a.m. When he left  his ship, he already saw Pidge and Shiro.
Pidge did what they always did and had their eyes stuck on the computer in front of them. Shiro seemed nervous as he paced the training deck, his hands gripped the sides of his head desperately.
If Lance were nicer he would have helped them out, but he wasn't so he didn't.
He went straight to the Star Map because he had heard his old teammates chatting about returning home.
He didn't want to upset them, he only wanted to inform them. In his mind, they were lucky that they would get time to grieve in their families deaths. Calmly he scrolled the the universe looking for the familiar galaxy, he heard footsteps behind him filled with confused voices.

"Lance, my boy?" Coran asked, he had a frown and his mustache twitched but Lance ignored him. "Are you, perhaps, missing Earth? I remember you came here often." He noted, mostly to himself but Lance heard him and ignored him.

"No I am not. I am simply sharing information, upon Matt's request." He responded lowly, not really wanting to see the result of sharing.

Zooming closer to the solar system, a collection of gasps were heard, they all sounded so heartbroken. In the image, Earth was nothing more that pieces of rock and dust, floating around lifelessly as Galran ships flew on and off of Mars. They seemed to have built a base there.

"There is no earth to think about." Lance said coldly, turning to see Pidge storming over, their orange eyes overflowing with tears as they stalked over quietly. Lance knew what they planned to do, and didn't bother to stop them as they slapped him, biting their lip harshly. 

"You asshole!" The snarled angrily, "You tell us now? We had family there to." Their voice shook harshly.

"No offence Katie, but unlike you I wan't given time to grieve. I wa-" He cut himself off harshly, he wouldn't lose his cool to these emotionally unstable children. Sighing he corrected himself. "I wasn't given time to grieve so use yours wisely." He said shortly, stepping around the sobbing child, Keith was glaring at him coldly, Hunk wasn't moving, Shiro looked so confused, and Allura had her hands to her mouth as tears filled the corners of her eyes.

He stopped in front of Coran and glared coldly, "And don't call me your boy." With that he turned and headed back to his ship, deciding he stayed long enough for a somewhat good alliance minus the more recent actions.

Lance hopped into his ship taking her off of Auto- pilot and prepared to take off. Astra watched him silently, her normally bright glowing eyes and tail were dimmed a bit but not enough for anything to be done about it. 

"How about we take a job." She offered as she dug her sharp claws into the seat, Lance nodded in agreement as Red sent waves of sadness through their mental link, he sent her his own to comfort her as he started to leave. 

He left the team with contact information to get to him if needed, they would be fine. Besides he still needed to meet with Matt about the dolls.


Short but there, also in a chapter or so it will begin the flash backs. Just a heads up it will involve dark themes. If you are uncomfortable with this please skip when I give the 


That's all, I hope you enjoyed~

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