Chapter Thirteen

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Pidge frowned as they held the green envelope in their hands. They stared at their neatly written name, they noticed everyone else had left the living room. They quickly went to where Green sat silently and hid under it's small paw. They tore open the envelope and pulled out a peice of paper.
They frowned in a calculating way as they read quickly.

Dear Gremlin- Sorry, you don't like being called that- Pidge

I hope you actually read tis instead of just tossing it, I am trying my best to write something meaningful. You would think I would be good at thata t least, huh? Anyway, even if I don't like you- scratch that, I really hate you. I tried my best to be there for you when Shiro disappeared, tried to tell you the truth about Fakey, but no. I wasn't smart, useful, or anything. I wasn't enough for you.
I think of you as a sibling, I had hoped you wouldn't be like my siblings but you were. Hateful to  anyone who wasn't up to standards. No matter what I did, I was never more than the flirt or the annoying one. NEWS FLASH- I DON"T LIKE SOCIAL INTERACTIONS SO I LIE AND FLIRT TO ACT NORMAL.
Sorry, I got off topic. I know you want me to leave the team because I am not smart or strong and I know I don't want to but for my space family I will do anything.
You know for a while I thought I was finally getting through the Fake Shiro, until I overheard your conversation. About Keith taking Red back and I agree. He should have Red back, she and me may get along now but her and Keith's bond was strong and deserves to be again. It'll hurt to lose her though, maybe more than Blue. No, it felt horrible losing Blue. But, I'm guessing you were happy me and Blue aren't bonded anymore. Since she's with Allura now.
Sorry, I got off track again, I wanted to tell you that even though I hate you, I still love you. Weird, huh?
Talk to you later, Pigeon.
Lots of Love,

Pidge reread the letter, noticing all of the times he had an emotional break down. All the times his anger lead him through the letter, the slight smudges on the paper where he rubbed it and the led of the pencil stuck to his fingers and made streaks of grey.
Pidge bit their finger gently as they considered how to fix the problem. Lance must have been so angry with them and now Pidge wasn't sure since he acted so distant with them.
He only spoke to Matt and the Blade of Mamora. Oh, and Astra. Pidge wanted to be considered as a part of his family again. They wanted to take back all of the horrible things they said or did to him.
They stood up and folded the old paper neatly, they quickly exited the room and headed to Hunk, he was most likely in the kitchen. Pidge made it their goal to examine every letter for anything that could help them. So they went to Hunk who would most likely be the easiest to convince to show Pidge their letter. They were going to make this right. They would get their brother back, no matter the cost.

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