Mistletoes and Presents

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I knew that if I didn't do it now, I never would so! Merry Christmas( Early), I had fun writing this. I don't write much on happy events so I had to add some sad things but I threw in some romance! Enjoy!!

Lance watched as his breath created smoke in the air, his eyes stayed on it until it disappeared. He could hear soft music coming from the party Coran decided to throw for Christmas. Everyone was excited with the idea of having more human traditions being celebrated on the castle ship, but not Lance.
When he heard of the party and received an invite, he wanted to go to the closest galaxies bar and wash his pain away in poison. He glared at the decorated floor, Coran had gotten Hunk to create fake snow for the occasion and turned down the heater to resemble cold weather. Lance took one final breath before storming into the room.
He wore casual clothes. His hair was up, he wore a long sleeved christmas shirt with a large blue fluffy jacket over, he wore his old shoes and loose sweatpants. He looked around the room, his eyes first landed on his android friend, Star. Her face had a soft blush from the col and she was watching the party with calculating eyes. When she noticed Lance’s eyes she perked up immediately.
“Dad!” She waved wildly and caught the attention of the ship’s inhabitants. Hunk waved nervously as PIdge gave a loose smile, they stumbled a bit when they tried to walk over and Hunk caught them. Lance wrinkled his nose at the smell of alcohol. He glared at the food table in suspicion.  He slowly walked to the robot, and flicked her head.
“I am not your father.” He huffed but patted her head softly getting a small grin in response. He looked around seeing Coran speaking excitedly to Allura while holding a small red cup. Rolling his eyes he continued looking around until he spotted Shiro and Kuron getting scarily close.
He quickly looked away, not wanting to see the two’s makeout session. He frowned once more when he noticed that Keith wasn’t there. Star nudged Lance’s shoulder, “He locked himself in his room, he doesn’t like the cold.” She informed, Lance nodded in understanding.
“I don’t particularly enjoy it myself.” He told the robot, “I’ll go get him. We’ll both suffer.” He scoffed, pulling his hood over his head, and he walked toward his room.
He noticed that the farther away he got from the party, the colder he felt. He shivered harshly, quickly zipping up his jacket, and hurrying down the hall until he was in front of Keith’s door.
Lance hesitated, he remembered all the times Keith verbally attacked him at his door. He shook his head; successfully getting rid of the thoughts, and knocked on the metal door.
He heard a soft voice speak and shuffling from the otherside. Once the door opened it showed Keith completely covered in blankets, only a bit of his eyes peeking out of the mess.
Lance bit his lip to keep from laughing, “You doing okay in there?” He asked with a tilt of his head. Keith nodded, his response muffled by the blankets. Lance felt himself grin, “You know...I can’t understand you with a blanket over your mouth.” He teased. Lance swore he saw Keith blush.
Keith shook his head until the blanket was on his neck. He grinned softly, “I said, I was fine.” Lance nodded silently.
“Why are you here?” Keith questioned, sounding annoyed in Lance’s ears. He stiffened slightly, and shrugged.
“I came to see why you weren’t at the party…” He said, a nervous tone sneaking its way into his voice. Keith watched Lance for a second.
“I- um- was cold.” He admitted. Lance stared at him with a bored expression, showing he picked up on that fact. “Right. You knew that.” He said after a moment of silence. After some more silence, Keith stepped to the side. “Do you want to come inside...or?” Lance seemed surprised before nodding and walking in. Keith sat on his bed and patted beside himself, Lance sat down, and the awkwardness began.
“So…” Lance started awkwardly, pulling at a loose strand of hair. He ignored the pain it caused on his scalp and continued to nervously tug on it.
“You look nice.” Keith stumbled out, his face turning red slightly and he turned away in embarrassment. Lance felt his face warm and he looked down at his lap, releasing his hair and putting his hands together.
“Thanks…” He responded politely. “This is awkward.” Lance huffed lowly. Keith snorted in laughter, making Lance’s eyes light up.
This caused a long conversation between the two on Keith’s laughter. Lance smiled warmly as he listened to Keith defend himself with a large blush on his cheeks.
A screech got their attention, both of their heads snapped towards Keith’s door. Lance followed as Keith hurried over and opened the door, the two boys stepped into the hall and saw Pidge with a slight smirk Lance frowned in confusion, looking at Keith in hope that he understood exactly what was happening. He saw Keith staring at the ceiling with a red face. Looking up, Lance noticed the mistletoe hanging gently. He snapped his head over to Keith who looked back at him with an embarrassed expression. Lance felt himself stiffen when Keith narrowed his eyes dangerously at him and took a step toward him, placing his hands on either side of Lance’s face and bending down to kiss him. Lance stiffened when his lips were brushed by Keith’s, his mind turned to prison, hands, Lotor, blood, and pain. He shoved himself backward in a panic. He felt his eyes water and he felt like he was about to puke.
Keith seemed surprised, and a bit hurt. Lance held himself tightly, hurrying past Pidge who tried to stop him, and to where Star waited patiently.

She seemed surprised when Lance neared her, she quickly hugged him, and began to usher him to a private room.
“Dad, what is wrong?” She asked worriedly, at this moment she wished Astra were there. Lance said nothing as Star helped him to a bathroom.
Star rubbed his back as he puked and sobbed. She frowned as she tried to analyse him, he hadn’t been drinking.
She continued to watch him until he leaned back. She quickly wrapped her arms around him comfortingly.
They sat there for a few minutes before Lance began to clean himself up, Star stood and watched her father figure work to hide the evidence of his pain. “The secret santa is going to happen soon.” She found herself saying, she folded her arms over her chest patiently. “Maybe you will feel better if you participate.” She recommended, a grin tugged at Lance’s tired face.
“Sure.” He sighed and checked himself once more in the mirror before the two excited.
Lance walked back into the party room, he noticed Shiro and Kuron snuggling. The two looked over and smiled encouragingly. Lance continued past and saw Pidge speaking to Keith who looked upset. He hesitated, thinking Keith was angry with him. Shaking his head, he poked Keith’s arm.
Said boy jerked back in surprise, his violet eyes wide in shock. “L-Lance!” He slightly shrieked, Lance smiled a crooked grin that showed his nervousness.
“Can I speak to you? In private?” He asked, Keith nodded and waved bye to Pidge who watched the interaction closely.
Once away, Lance leaned heavily on the wall beside him.
“Look, about what happened…” He started slowly, Keith shook his head with a small smile.
“It’s fine, you don’t feel the sam-” Keith started but was cut off by Lance who placed a quick kiss on his cheek.
“That isn’t it….I do. Feel the same that is. I just…” He trailed off, Keith waited patiently. “ The sudden kiss reminded me of…” He snapped his mouth shut nervously as shame built up. “Nevermind, I just didn’t expect it.” He decided.
“I see.” Keith said, slightly suspicious but he decided not to pressure him. “I’m sorry for startling you.” He said kindly. Lance smiled gratefully. Keith hesitated, “I know we’re supposed to wait for everyone but...You are my person and I think now would be a more appropriate time to give you the present.” Keith confessed. Lance blinked in surprise, his hand going in his large pocket. He touched the small box that he was supposed to give to Keith.
Keith pulled a small rectangular box out of his pocket and handed it over. Lance slowly opened it and was surprised to see a heart locket, he flipped it open. One side had him and his family, the other had him and team voltron. He smiled lovingly at the locket and quickly slipped it on. He pulled his out and gave it.
“Hm.” Keith said in confusion, he opened his to see two rainbow throwing knives. His eyes lit up with excitement. He grinned widely, “Lance, thank you so much!”He said happily.
Keith hugged Lance but nearly jerked back in worry of repeating the last incident. Lance quickly pulled him back into the hug. He looked up noticing another mistletoe, when Keith pulled away Lance placed a soft kiss on his lips. Keith turned bright red and looked up.
“Merry Christmas, Keith.” Lance said warmly, Keith smiled easily and leaned his head down until his forehead was lightly laying on Lance’s.
“Merry Christmas, Lance.”

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