ANNOUNCEMENT( very important btw)

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Since my interest in this has lowered considerably, I went ahead and downloaded a notes app and made a new note with every chapter. Describing what would happen in very short words. Doing this gave me the number of chapters to expect.

Which is the announcement!

There will be a total of 34 chapters, unless I make a short filler every now and then for the fun of it, and an epilogue.

That is all, I considered just commenting this but not everyone looks at the comment section, so here!!

Also, if I remember corectly I have one more oc I will be adding. SO since I am horrible with coming up with these but I need to add him, I take suggestions. If no one suggests then I will use someone from my original stories.
That is all, Sorry for the last chapter, it was really crappy. Sorry, I might redo it later, so keep an eye out!


( Did I spell announcement right?)

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