Chapter 1

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Taehyung quite honestly had no idea how he did it. He somehow managed to land a full scholarship to the prestigious university of everyone's dreams. It wasn't his first pick school, but rather a school that he would never even dream of getting accepted to. It had been a joke to apply to Bangtan University. A dare from Jimin who had applied with an actual chance of being accepted. Yet somehow he managed to not only get accepted but receive a full scholarship to Bangtan University located in Seoul, South Korea.

Seoul. That was two whole hours (3 if you're counting traffic) from Daegu. It had taken a lot of convincing from his family for Taehyung to decide to go. Ultimately the main reason he agreed was that Jimin got accepted too.

"Come on, Tae, you're so slow," Jimin teased with a bright smile which Taehyung was not able to return.

"Chim, my stomach hurts..." Taehyung grumbled, clutching his stomach.

"You've been saying that the entire trip! Now shut up, we're here!!" Jimin exclaimed.

The pair stood in front of the monstrosity of a school, one with overwhelming excitement and the other with overwhelming dread.

"This is going to be awesome!" "I'm going to die."

Taehyung uneasily waved good-bye to Jimin who had a different major and therefore his dorm was in a different building. Thankfully the dance buildings weren't too far from the art buildings. Nevertheless, the 18-year-old artist was terrified.

 Nevertheless, the 18-year-old artist was terrified

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~3 Years Later~


Jungkook stared at the pile of papers and files on his desk in a trance. He wondered how the stack had remained the same height even after six straight hours of work with no rest.

"Hey, man, you look exhausted."

Jungkook sighed and looked up at his best friend/ business advisor Namjoon with a grimace.

"You know, most people my age are out wasting their life clubbing or vacationing. I'm 19 for goodness sakes! But no, dad just had to retire at freakin' age 56, and my traitor of an older brother just happened to convince him that I was the better one for the job."

"At least you finally convinced him to let you go to Uni, even if you have to be a business major. Bro, you're going to Bangtan University, and your parents are rebuilding your dorm so that it combines six rooms into a whole suite. I would die to be in your shoes."

Jungkook simply responded with a roll of his eyes. Of course, his parents were being so extra as to do that. He wasn't Jeon Jungkook billionaire at age 19 for nothing.

"Dude, guess what? You remember Park Jimin from Daegu?" Namjoon asked.

"The CEO's son? Yeah, he was pretty cool, why?"

"Yeah well, he's a dance major at BTU. And you know that Jin Hyung is going to be there too. You guys should all hang out, and maybe you won't be a loner!"

Jungkook scowled at his best friend and muttered a 'shut up' at the implication of his lack of friends. Either way, he was pretty relieved knowing that Seokjin Hyung  (heir to the Kim Company) along with Park Jimin was going to be there. He would never admit it, but he was pretty worried about the aspect of friends since it was a well-known fact that it was difficult making genuine ones in Jungkook's world.

He decided that he would just stick close to them and have a bit of free time while at school since he wasn't worried about studies in the slightest. After all, he was nicknamed "Golden Maknae" for being the youngest in the entire company yet the most capable and powerful. Just as long as he stuck with the two CEO sons and didn't get into any trouble, he might be able to relieve some stress and have some fun like a normal 19-year-old.

Yeah, Jungkook was pretty excited.


Taehyung heard his stomach grumble. His body ached and his head throbbed in consequence of sleeping on the floor and not going out of his studio for days, but he promptly ignored his pain. He was so close, so close to being finished. For four straight days, he had lived on buckets of coffee and energy drinks and the occasional granola bar, slaving away, molding, and cutting the four-foot high block of clay into his next masterpiece. The nearly finished bust of the Asian heritage woman was so detailed and life-like that it could be mistaken as a real person if it had been colored. The woman was weeping with a single tear delicately molded on her right cheek. Now he just needed to finish carving the intricate lines of her hair and he would be done.

Just as he lifted his stylus after the final strand, the door to his studio flew open and Taehyung recoiled from the sudden burst of light, crying out in surprise.

"TAE!! This is getting ridiculous!" Jimin screeched.

Taehyung winced at the loud voice and he stood up, groaning because of his sore muscles.

"What do you want, Jimin?" he gruffly asked.

"It's been four days. Four long days since I've seen my best friend. It's like you've been wiped off from the face of the earth! I tried to not get worried and give you your privacy, but this is getting way out of hand. When was the last time you've ever come out of this room???"

Taehyung just rolled his eyes and let Jimin continue his rant.

"You probably haven't showered for days, you're going to die of dehydration, starvation, and sleep deprivation at the same time, and when was the last time you've seen the sun?? You need to take better care-"

Taehyung looked up at Jimin's sudden stop. Jimin's eyes were blown wide open as he stared with his jaw wide open at the clay piece.

Taehyung nervously twiddled his thumbs and played at his bottom lip as he tried to gauge Jimin's reaction.

"What do you think? I-Is it...okay?" he cautiously questioned.

Jimin walked closer to the bust, reaching out a tentative hand to lightly trace the teardrop before replying, "Tae, it's beautiful. I don't know how you manage to blow me away every single time you create something new. It's- It's just amazing."

Taehyung watched in awe as he realized that Jimin was tearing up.

"Whoa, whoa, are you crying? What's wrong?" he wrapped his arms around his best friend and rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"I'm not crying. It's just that she looks so sad. So heartbroken. How can a cold statue hold such raw emotion in its eyes?" Jimin huffed, cuddling into Taehyung, clearly displaying how much he missed him.

Taehyung grinned, happiness bubbling in his heart at Jimin's response.

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