Chapter 6

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Jungkook was fairly content.

Ever since the dinner at Lila's, which had been amazing, the two were practically inseparable. Sure Taehyung was still working out his feelings regarding his prejudice towards Jungkook's world, but that didn't stop them from hanging out every chance they got. 

Now, roughly four months later, Taehyung was comfortable enough to ride in Jungkook's car and his relationship with Jimin couldn't be better. Now there were only two problems that had to be dealt with in Jungkook's opinion. Firstly, Taehyung had gotten more used to Jungkook and Jimin, yes, but things seemed to stop there. He still hadn't come to Jungkook's place, nor had he met the rest of the "BTS" family who now were Jungkook's best friends. The moment their conversation even neared the topic of money or any other issue related to the problem, Taehyung would stall before abruptly switching the topic. 

Now, Jungkook was patient. He had no intention of pushing Taehyung in any way or make him uncomfortable. But since after finally getting Taehyung to get in his car, no progress had been made. 

Unfortunately, that wasn't the only problem. 

The second problem had nothing to do with his university life, really. Jungkook was having a blast, finally free of the horrid responsibilities which had dwindled down. (He had complained to his father about not being able to keep up with Uni with all the company work he had to do, so his father, to his delight, made his older brother take half of the workload temporarily.)

No, the problem lied solely in Kim Taehyung. Not the rich people issue that he was trying to help with, but just Taehyung himself. Jungkook was positive that Kim Taehyung was slowly killing him. 

It was quite unfair how bright, adorable, an sunny Taehyung was once he laid back and got comfortable. Not to mention that he seemed to look ethereal no matter what he wore. Old sweats and a tattered shirt with stains? No problem, Kim Taehyung could make it look like he was wearing Gucci. And then, ugh, he had started wearing bandannas every now and then which made Jungkook want to basically jump off a cliff. 

It was just so painful how Taehyung seemed to affect Jungkook so much, yet Taehyung was the essence of nonchalance. Chill and bright, he looked at and acted around Jungkook like one would just a friend while Jungkook was struggling not to yell at the top of his lungs about how beautiful Kim Taehyung was. He was sure that by now he probably had a thousand reasons why Kim Taehyung was a literal angel. 

"Like how his boxy smile is too pure to not be from heaven." Jungkook thought as he blatantly stared at the source of all his problems who was currently giggling to himself while sketching. The two were at a café waiting for Jimin to come so that they could all hang out and go to dinner later.  

"What's so funny?" Jungkook asked, peering over Taehyung's shoulder to look at his sketchbook. 

Taehyung immediately scooched away in an attempt to hide what he was doing. 

Jungkook narrowed his eyes and raised an eyebrow, silently demanding an answer. Unfortunately, that just resulted in more adorable giggles to spill from the angel's mouth. 

"Nothing, nothing. I just thought of something Jimin said."

"Then why won't you let me see your sketchbook?" Jungkook questioned. 

"It's a surprise! You'll see in a bit." Taehyung reassured him with a wink which caused Jungkook to nearly choke on his smoothie. Thankfully, Taehyung was already looking down sketching away and had missed Jungkook's little...episode. 

"Why is he so cute?" Jungkook groaned in his head. Before he could go on another tangent on reasons why Kim Taehyung was cute, Jimin came up to the table, his expression looking a bit peculiar. 

When Taehyung noticed, he immediately put down his sketchbook. 

"What happened?" Taehyung asked, voice low and serious. If Jungkook wasn't already used to Taehyung's up and down personality, he would've been shocked at how quickly his voice and expression changed. 

"It's nothing, just got rejected." Jimin mumbled, pulling on a brave face.


"Impossible. Yoongi-Hyung is so all over you, Hyung."

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook in surprise. He knew what was going on?

"Seriously Jungkook?" Jimin groaned in exasperation. 

"What? Who's Yoongi-Hyung? And what do you mean by seriously Jungkook?"

Jungkook immediately paused, sheepishly looking down. "He's a friend of ours."

"Is he one of those people?" Taehyung couldn't help but ask. He immediately felt guilty, however, when he saw both Jungkook and Jimin flinch at his words. 

"Y-Yeah." Jungkook stammered. 

Taehyung frowned. "Why is this friend of yours hurting Jimin?"

"It's nothing. I just got rejected that's all." Jimin murmured. 

"Then why do you look so devastated?" Taehyung questioned Jimin worriedly. He felt so confused. 

"Hyung, what do you mean nothing? This is a huge deal."

Taehyung frowned deepened as he watched his two best friends ignore him. 

"Jeon Jungkook, shut up." Jimin growled, not so subtly indicating towards Taehyung.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? This is a huge deal. I can't believe Yoongi-Hyung would seriously reject you when I'm positive he loves you just as mu-"

Taehyung's eyes widened at Jungkook's remark. "You love this guy? What? Why didn't you tell me? What is going on?"

Taehyung watched Jimin wince with a heavy heart. Why did he feel so terrible? Why was his chest throbbing so much and why did he feel like crying?

"Tae, it's really nothing. Jungkook is just making a big dea-"

"It is a big deal."

"Shut up!"

"What is going on?" Taehyung insisted, "Why aren't you telling me?"

"It's nothing." Jimin snapped.

Taehyung reeled at his tone of voice. Never had Jimin snapped at him in that cold manner before. He was so surprised that he failed to notice the rush of guilt that overtook Jimin's face. 

"You don't trust me." Taehyung stated, dazed.

Jimin's head snapped up in alarm. "What? No, that's not it at all!"

Taehyung waited patiently for Jimin to continue, but when a few minutes passed and Jimin looked too overwhelmed to do anything, he couldn't help but sigh. 

"Jimin, I honestly have absolutely no idea what is going on. It seems to me that you don't want me to know what is troubling you right now and the only logical reason why, in my opinion, is that you don't trust me. So forgive me if I'm misunderstanding something, but if you're not going to deny it, I'm leaving." Taehyung waited for a few more seconds, willing in his head for Jimin to say something. To deny the horrible accusation Taehyung was making. But when Jimin simply opened his mouth, close it again, and didn't make a single peep, he took a deep breath in and turned to leave. 


But it wasn't Jimin who called out but Jungkook, so Taehyung continued walking, the bandages that had recently mended his heart, tearing. It was like he could physically feel his heart not only breaking but literally deteriorating for the second time. He choked back a sob and began to run when he heard his name get called out again by the same person.

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