Chapter 11

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"I agree, this is getting out of hand." 

This was the first time Jungkook saw Jimin so angry. He was actually quite scary when his usual eye smile was gone and his eyes were narrowed into that annoyed look.

"It's such a relief that you found Taehyung when you did, Jungkook." Jin-Hyung sighed, both hands on his forehead, rubbing frustratingly. 

"Gosh if it was me who saw Taehyung shivering out in the snow because of his pent up emotions, I would have lost it. You know, you can be really mature sometimes, Jungkook."

Jungkook managed a small smile at Yoongi-Hyung's words, but it quickly disappeared as the six friends began discussing the situation.

"What if we sued her? Her threatening behavior to not only Taehyung but the other kids under her care can't be legal." Jungkook suggested.

"No. I won't be satisfied with just sending her to jail. While you've only witnessed a few months worth of Taehyung's suffering, I've witnessed years. We need to rip everything she owns away from her slowly and painfully until she's facing a fate worse than death and regretting ever taking advantage of Taehyungie in the first place." Jimin growled.

Jungkook couldn't help but shiver at the angry tone of his usual bright and cheery Hyung.

"Jimin-ah, you need to calm down." Hoseok-Hyung worriedly placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"Hyung you don't know how long I've itched to put that b-bench back in her place. The only reason I've held back for so long is because Taehyungie hates the idea of hurting anyone and it's difficult to get to Kim JeNa. Plus it would have been hard to do anything to her without Taehyung finding out about my true identity. But it's different now. Kim JeNa is going too far. I can't believe she'd do that to YeRan."

Jungkook froze.

"Whoa, whoa, wait. What? Am I missing something here? Weren't you mad because Taehyung was so stressed by his emotions he was suffering out in the snow near brink of death?" he asked, confused.

Jimin just scoffed. 

"I wouldn't be this worked up if that was it. Last year, Taehyung got so worked up after Kim JeNa slapped MinJi across the face that he destroyed a clay structure that he was working on for the past month. A already fired and nearly finished with glazing clay structure that was already beyond perfection. He destroyed that solid statue with his bare hands."

"She what? Slapped MinJi?" 

Jimin looked surprised.

"You didn't know? Kim JeNa physically attacks Taehyung's cousins and siblings just to aggravate Taehyung and make him comply. There are times when she'll do it just for fun too, just to get a reaction out of him."

Jungkook didn't know his hatred towards Kim JeNa could grow. Apparently it could.

"Why can't he just report her?" Jin-Hyung asked. 

"Kim JeNa is not only extremely rich because of Taehyung's money but also has a ton of connections. There's no way the police will lay a hand on her. That's just how cruel society is. And Taehyung can't stop sending money or else she might do something worse, so his only option is to comply with whatever she wants and hope and pray that the kids are okay."

"So what happened with YeRan?" Namjoon Hyung pressed.

"Well YeRan is Taehyung's youngest cousin. She's only 8 years old. Around the time Yoongi-Hyung and I left Jungkook's dorm, I got a text from Taehyung saying that Kim JeNa did it again. I got worried since Taehyung usually goes crazy when she does something, but he assured me he was fine and wouldn't tell me where he was. I was tempted to maybe track his phone or something like Jungkook but I decided to leave him alone, thinking he might need some space."

Jungkook's gaze darkened. "And what is it that she did?"

"She..." Jimin hesitated, the discomfort clearly shown on his face. "She hit her with a golf club on the leg then sent a voice recording of YeRan screaming in pain to Taehyung telling him that if he picked up late again it wouldn't just be the leg."

The entire room tensed.

You could literally see the dark, furious aura emitting from the room. Each person in the room held a matching expression: one of pure and utter hatred.


The first thing Taehyung did when he woke up was to sneeze. He shivered and his head throbbed. Glancing around the dim room he immediately recognized it as Jungkook's and let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness he was all right. He knew he tended to do crazy things whenever the woman attacked the kids. If he died he knew there would be no hope left for the kids, so thank goodness he didn't. 

Shifting a little to remove the piled blankets, Taehyung made his way out the room, only to stop in surprise. The entire group was in the living room, expressions tense and anger-filled. They were talking in hushed whispers, frowns deepening by the second. 

"G-Guys?" he called out in a husky voice. His throat hurt and he felt a little faint so he made his way over to the group and settled on the plush carpet besides Jungkook. 

"Taehyung! You're awake!" Jin's expression immediately brightened. Taehyung found it a little scary how quickly the elder's expression changed. 

"Hyung, you're burning up!" Jungkook exclaimed, brows furrowed with worry as he placed a hand on Taehyung's forehead.

Taehyung couldn't help but lean into the touch. Jungkook's hand felt cool against his scorching skin. He distantly heard someone coo, but ignored it. 

"Yeah, I may have caught a cold, but it's no biggie." he rasped out. 

"Your voice, Taehyung-ah, you should take medicine and get more rest." Yoongi-Hyung suggested.

Taehyung smiled gratefully and nodded. 

"Jungkookie?" he poked Jungkook on the side.

"Y-Yeah, Hyung?"

"Thank you for rescuing me..." he mumbled shyly, resting his forehead on Jungkook's shoulder. 

"N-No problem, Hyung," was Jungkook's reply as he proceeded to run his fingers through Taehyung's hair. 

Taehyung instantly felt soothed and he nuzzled into Jungkook, eyes growing drowsy.

"Get some more sleep, Hyung." was the last thing Taehyung heard before he fell asleep. 


Jungkook sighed heavily as he stared down at his sleeping angel. He moved to pick Taehyung up and get him back to bed when the elder whined in his sleep and clutched at Jungkook mumbling about not wanting to move. Jungkook really couldn't help the coo that came out of his mouth at Taehyung's adorableness this time. 

"He's so precious. How can a person even think to hurt someone like that?" Hoseok-Hyung groaned. Everyone nodded in agreement. 

Jungkook unconsciously pecked Taehyung on the forehead before gently sliding him down so he now rested comfortably on his lap. Then reaching over to grasp the blanket on the couch, he covered his angel with it and softly ran his fingers through Taehyung's silky hair.

"He's so whipped, oh my goodness." Jimin chuckled.

"I would gag, but that was actually really cute." Yoongi-Hyung commented.

Jungkook just glared at his Hyungs.

"Anyways, let's clean things up. We're going to take thing slowly so that we won't make a single mistake. First of all, Yoongi-Hyung get your dad to see the true Kim JeNa. If you need any help in doing so I'm sure any one of us are willing. The next course of action afterwards will be to find a way to bring the kids to safety. Once these two things are finished, we'll start formulating a more detailed plan. Agreed?" Namjoon-Hyung explained in a steady voice. 

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. 

Jungkook smirked to himself at the idea of taking that devil down.

Kim JeNa. You'll regret everything.

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