Chapter 16

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Jungkook realized how stupid he was just five minutes after Taehyung left. He stared into space, absolutely stunned.

"Hey, Jungkook, I'm back! Did the kids like the breakfast I made them? Are they at Taehyungie's studi- Whoa, what happened."

Jungkook stared at Jin-Hyung, tears beginning to form in his eyes at the pure guilt. 

"Hyung...I think I may have messed up."

"Why? What's going on?"

Settling down into the couch and curling into a little ball, Jungkook sniffled a little before continuing. 

"I called Yugyeom ove-"

"Oh. Okay, yeah, I see the problem."

Jungkook looked up at Jin-Hyung in surprise.

"What? But I didn't even get to the part where I messed up?"

"No, yeah, you can continue your story but I could already imagine what happened the second you said Yugyeom."

"I- What? Um...okay? So, I called Yugyeom over to check the kids for any bruises or fractures or something, you know? And I didn't notice it then but thinking back, Taehyungie-Hyung looked a little small when he saw him. And then Yugyeom just started spouting off things, showing off like he usually does, to the point where I felt uncomfortable, so I was about to say something but Taehyungie-Hyung had this blank expression on his face, so I assumed that he was fine with it. Then the kids started getting mad at Yugyeom, and I don't know why I was being so stupid 'cause Taehyungie-Hyung even apoligized and everything, but I was a little agitated that they were being so rude. Which they weren't I realize now because Yugyeom was the one taking things too far. S-So I-I"

Jin suddenly cut Jungkook off with a groan.

"Please don't tell me you asked Taehyung what happened after sending Yugyeom away."

"Y-Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Gosh, Jungkook, oblivious much?"

"S-Sorry, yeah, so I must have sounded annoyed or something because MinWoo suddenly got super protective and told me not to yell at Taehyungie-Hyung. So I asked the kids why they were being mean, and they said it was because Yugyeom was making Taehyung uncomfortable."

"Please, please, please tell me you went back to your senses and stopped talking there."


Jin let out a loud groan at Jungkook's response before quieting and staring pointedly, waiting for an answer.

"S-So I said that Taehyungie-Hyung wasn't uncomfortable, but then Hyung cut me off, and at that point I was really confused. So when I was about to ask him what he meant, he just sort of smiled all sadly and actually thanked me for the sentiment and asked me to apoligize to Yugyeom again before leaving."

"Gosh, Taehyung really is an angel."

"Y-Yeah, and because I am literally such a jerk I just got annoyed and asked him if he was seriously going to leave, in which he ignored me and left. And then I realized how stupid I was like three minutes ago." Jungkook finished.

"Oh my goodness, knowing Taehyung he's probaby angry at himself thinking that he's the one who caused the arguement."

"What?" Jungkook asked, alarmed. 

"Jeon Jungkook, you better go find my precious Taehyungie right now and make things right before I revoke your extra icecream on Sunday dinner night privileges and give it to Jimin."

Jungkook's eyes widened. It wasn't the threat per se that made him shudder but Jin-Hyung's angry tone. Jin-Hyung could be terrifying when he wanted to be. 

So he hurridly pulled on a coat and dashed out the door in the direction of his angel's studio. 


Taehyung finally smiled as he attacked his canvas with bright splashes of color. He loved painting, it was the one thing that could really let him control his thoughts and emotions.

"Wow,'re amazing!" YeRan exclaimed, breaking Taehyung's focus.

He grinned widely at his younger cousin, thanking her with a soft pat to her head.

"Hyung, y-you're V??" MinWoo exclaimed, clutching at the small painting he had hung up in studio with his signature "V" on the corner.

"Yeah? Why?"

"Hyung, I was your hugest fan ever since I saw this blog about your first exhibition! I had no idea it was you since you never allowed photos of your face. Do you still have "No Rainbows Without Rain"?"

"No...I don't. I was so desperate for money then I couldn't help but sell it. I was a bit sad, it was my first ever and favorite piece, but I got over it."

Taehyung sighed as he watched MinWoo's face fall. 

"Y-You sold it for us?"

"MinWoo, I would work night and day and sell thousands and thousands of my most precious pieces for all of you," Taehyung answered, softly with a smile. 

"Oppa, what are these?"

Taehyung turned his attention to MinJi who was pointing to a large pile of assorted boxes and letters. 

"T-Those are, well, presents and letters, I suppose?"

"Oooh~ From your fans?" YeRan exclaimed excitedly.

"W-Well, I guess so?"

"Can we open them, Hyung?" SeoJun questioned. 

"Sure, but not the letters, I want to take my time to read those."


Taehyung smiled warmly and turned to start on his painting again when suddenly YeRan came up to him and tugged on his sleeve.

"Oppa, this one came just now, someone slid it under the door."

Taehyung took the cream-colored card from his 8 year old cousin and curiously opened it. Inside, he was met with a quite realistic yet adorable sketch of a cat holding onto a white bunny, and underneath the drawing was a written note.

For my favorite artist. I'm really sorry, angel! Please forgive me!! -Your hopefully favorite bunny Jungkook

Taehyung immediately grinned, getting up from his seat in front of the painting to throw open the door, revealing a very startled Jungkook. 

"I forgive you!" Taehyung declared, throwing himself onto the younger, who immediately dropped the box he was holding to support him. 

"H-Hyung!" Jungkook cried out in surprise. 

"S-Sorry, I didn't notice that you were holding anything." Taehyung sheepishly replied, releasing his grip on Jungkook.

Jungkook simply smiled. "It's fine, Hyung, I'm just glad you forgive me!"

"Of course, I love this drawing! Did you do it?"

"Y-Yeah..." Jungkook answered, bending down to pick up the box he dropped. 

"A-And these are for you." he shyly offered the wrapped gift to Taehyung who immediately began tearing it apart.

Inside was a brand new brush set of the best quality and several tubes of expensive oil paints.

"Jungkook, seriously?" Taehyung chuckled, he wanted to be annoyed at the boy for spending so much money, but he felt too happy inside to care.

Taehyung grinned happily as he watched Jungkook shyly look down with a small smile. There was the guardian angel he loved and missed. 

A/N The picture is definitely not my work. (I wish it were) It is just an image I found and thought was cute!

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