Chapter 24

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A week had passed in a blur and it was finally Taehyung's discharging day. Jungkook was relieved that no other major complications came up, and Taehyung was healthy enough to finally leave the hospital. 

"How are you feeling, angel?" he asked, bringing Taehyung's hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to it. 

"I'm completely fine. Still a little sore, but nothing that a few more days of rest and pain meds won't fix." Taehyung smiled softly, squeezing their intertwined hands and nuzzling into Jungkook's shoulder. 

"Okay, stop. I had to put up with you guys being disgustingly domestic for the past week. I let it go because Taehyung was hurt and needed the attention, but you two need to tone it down before I actually throw up." Yoongi-Hyung growled from the driver's seat, obviously annoyed.

"Aw, Hyung~ leave them be~" Jimin chuckled, leaning over to chastely peck Yoongi-Hyung's cheek, making the gruff Hyung tense up and blush. 

"Hypocrite." Jungkook muttered under his breath, grinning when Taehyung giggled at his comment. 

"How are the kids?" 

"Tae, you saw them yesterday, they're fine. Jiminie and I are actually good guardians, so you don't have to worry too much."

"I know, thanks Hyung, I just can't help but feel protective, you know?"

"Yeah, I understand. But don't worry, Kim JeNa is on the verge of getting caught, and the kids got connected with this lady that they used to be friends with. Apparently she used to protect them and sneak them food and stuff at school once she heard about their situation, she was a teacher there or something. Well, they got into contact last night and she offered to let them stay at her place for a while just until you get better and work things out permanently."

"That's great!! Thanks Hyung!"

"No prob, Tae."

"All right we're here. We'll be back for dinner since SeokJin-Hyung is cooking tonight in celebration for TaeTae." Jimin announced.

Jungkook nodded and thanked Yoongi-Hyung, helping Taehyung out and waving goodbye to the disappearing car.

"I'm so lucky that they're here." Jungkook heard Taehyung whisper. He grasped his angel's hand and gave it a tight squeeze, leading him inside the building.

The second the pair went inside the dorm, Jungkook picked Taehyung up and lead him to the bedroom, causing the elder to squeal in surprise and then laugh. 

"What- What are you doing, Jungkook!!?"

"Let's sleep, Hyung, please!! I haven't had a good nap since forever." Jungkook exclaimed, gently laying Taehyung down on the bed and quickly climbing in next to him. He pulled his angel to his chest and tangled one hand in the elder's hair and placing the other on his waist. 

"The first thing you want to do is sleep? Hm...fine, okay, Ggukkie," Taehyung obliged. He wrapped his own arms around Jungkook, and snuggled in close to him, breathing in deeply and relaxing. 

"This feels nice." Jungkook murmured, pressing a kiss to his angel's hair. 


"Love you, baby."

"L-Love y-you too..." Taehyung replied shyly, squeezing his eyes tight in embarrassment. 

Jungkook simply grinned and peppered the elder's forehead with kisses.

"You're too adorable for my heart...I swear, one of these days you're going to make my heart burst from your cuteness." Jungkook declared, chuckling in amusement. 

"Just sleep, Ggukkie."



Taehyung quickly drifted off into sleep, wrapped securely in Jungkook's arms. When he woke up again, the light shining through the large window was considerably dimmer. 

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook who was still fast asleep and smiled, removing a hand from Jungkook's chest to rub lazily at his eyes. It felt nice to rest after the sleepless nights of pain. He was glad he decided to take an extra dose of pain medicine before they left the hospital. 

When Taehyung slowly tried to pry himself out of Jungkook's hold around his waist, Jungkook made this small whining sound and tightened his grip, tangling their legs together. Taehyung huffed at the adorable act, and leaned upwards to press a soft kiss to Jungkook's lips. 

"Wake up, Ggukkie~ The Hyungs will probably be here soon."

Jungkook finally stirred, mumbling incoherent things as he buried his face in Taehyung's hair. 

"Five more minutes, baby..."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and attempted to take Jungkook's arms around him off again. He failed.

"Gosh, why do you have to be so strong even in your sleep??" he pouted, giving up and sighing into the younger's warmth. 

Just then the unmistakable sound of the front door being slammed open could be heard.


The pair both sighed at their Hyung's antics, but neither made a move to leave the bed.

"We have to go and greet them, Jungkook-ah." Taehyung murmured into Jungkook's chest, suddenly feeling very unmotivated to get up from bed. 

"It's fine, I locked the bedroom door, they can't disturb us." Jungkook replied, loosening his grip around Taehyung to bring him up so that they were eye level.

Taehyung held his breath as Jungkook gazed at him, unlike the sleepy state he was in before.

He then fluttered his eyes closed when Jungkook leaned forward, slowly bringing their lips together when...

"OPEN UP! WAKE UP! OR NO DESSERT FOR EITHER OF YOU!" came a booming voice. 

Jungkook groaned and Taehyung opened his eyes, sighing before getting up. 

"Come on, Jungkookie."


Taehyung smiled in amusement at the younger's annoyed expression, and leaned forward to peck Jungkook's cheek.

"Cheer up, babe."

Taehyung immediately dashed out the room, not willing to see Jungkook's reaction at the embarrassing words. Oh my goodness. He actually said babe, didn't he?

"Wow, some hosts." Yoongi-Hyung muttered when Taehyung came out of the room, closely followed by Jungkook who was grinning widely. 

Taehyung stiffened when Jungkook wrapped his arms around his waist in a back hug and rested his chin on Taehyung's shoulder. 

"Thanks baby."

"N-No problem." Taehyung stuttered back, removing Jungkook's arms around him and bounding over to Jimin in an attempt to hide his furious blush. 

"Where's Namjoon Hyung?" he asked, trying to change focus.

"He got a call from someone? He's in the guest room taking it. I'm not really sur-"

"OH MY GOSH!! THEY CAUGHT HER!!" came a sudden screech and a loud shattering noise. 

Taehyung winced. There went Taehyung's glass vase that he made for Jungkook's birthday. (That was the only breakable object in the guest room, after all.)

Everybody made their way to the guest room where Namjoon stood staring at the remains of Jungkook's birthday gift, phone in hand.


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