Chapter 7

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Jungkook sat on his couch, staring at the wall as if it was Park Jimin who had hurt Taehyung again. He was furious. Rationally, he knew that this wasn't Jimin-Hyung's fault. He knew that Jimin was just too overwhelmed by everything to say anything, but for now he let himself be angry because that was all he could do at the moment. 

He had ran after Taehyung. A second too late because he was so stunned at what had just unfolded in front of him. He had tried calling him. No answer. He went to his apartment. No answer. Jungkook even tried writing a short memo on a spare index card he found in his pocket and slid it underneath the door, but he got no response even after two hours of waiting. So now he was stuck in his apartment, staring angrily at the wall. 

For an additional hour, Jungkook simply organized his thoughts when there was a ring at his door. It had to either be one of his Hyungs or Taehyung or else the guard would have called Jungkook before letting anyone else up. Giddily, he raced to the door, flinging it open, only to be face to face with Jimin. Mood instantly turning sour, Jungkook backed away to make room for Jimin to come in. 

He was crying. Jungkook noted to himself as he took in Jimin's red and puffy face. 

The two sat down on his couch and remained silent for a few moments before Jimin sighed deeply and spoke up. 

"I wasn't rejected by Yoongi-Hyung."

Jungkook looked up, surprised, but he didn't say a word as he waited for Jimin to continue.

"It was an excuse. I didn't think you would mention Yoongi-Hyung, though, so it was a terrible one."

When Jungkook still didn't say anything, Jimin sighed again before continuing. 

"I was sad because I found something out. And I couldn't tell Tae anything, because-"

"You don't trust him?" Jungkook spat out. He knew that wasn't true. But Jimin-Hyung looked hesitant and if Jungkook didn't do something to spur him on, he probably would stop himself and not say anything further. So even though he risked hurting Jimin Hyung's feelings, he had to do this to find out what was going on. 

Luckily, his words had the desired affect. 

"Of course not!" Jimin growled, whipping his head up to glare angrily at Jungkook. 

"Taehyung is my best friend, my brother, why wouldn't I trust him?"

"Well, why couldn't you tell him then?"

"Because- Because-"

"Well, I guess Tae must not really be your best friend if you can't even-"

"Because Yoongi-Hyung's dad is dating Kim JeNa." Jimin finally blurted out, tears forming once again in his eyes. 

Jungkook froze. Oh.

He watched as Jimin began to bury his face in his hands.

"You realize you're going to have to tell him sooner or later if you want to seriously pursue Yoongi-Hyung."

"Shut up, Jungkook." Jimin groaned. 

"How are you going to face Tae?"

"I think I'm going to tell him the truth. That I'm going through some personal stuff, and that once I have it situated I would tell him everything."

Jungkook nodded. That seemed to be most reasonable. It was obvious that Jimin had taken his time thinking about the situation before finding his way to Jungkook. If Jimin told the entire truth straight up he knew that any chance of Taehyung possibly meeting their friends and warming up to them would be obliterated. Just as he was about to console Jimin and tell him that things would work out, there was a light ping from his phone.

Taehyung: Jungkook

Jungkook stared at the message. 

"It's Tae."

"Go to him." Jimin murmured, reassuring him with a small smile. 

Jungkook nodded before looking back at the message, waiting for another one to appear. When he realized that there would be no other message, he sighed. Fiddling around with his phone, he pressed a few buttons here and there until he finally got a trace. 

Junestone Park. Taehyung was at Junestone Park. He immediately rushed out the door.

When Jungkook finally got to Junestone Park, he immediately recognized the familiar black hoodie that Taehyung was wearing. It was Jungkook's.

Jungkook jogged up to him and sat down by his side on the rusty bench, greeting him with a simple hey. 

"Hey," Taehyung greeted back, softly. "You found me."

"Yeah," was all Jungkook could muster before he burst out, "What happened, Tae?"

Jungkook stared intensely at his angel who currently had his head down and was kicking at the grass. 

"Well, I cried for about five minutes before I realized how stupid this entire argument was." he remarked. 

Jungkook scoffed, "Stupid is an understatement." His spirits rose as Taehyung giggled. 

"Yeah, so I wanted to go back and apologize for overreacting when I figured I might as well wait for Jimin to calm down and text me. I was so confident he would and that we'd talk and then we'd laugh about how dumb the argument was, but I didn't get anything."

Jungkook couldn't help but match the frown that appeared on Taehyung's face. 

"Why didn't you answer my calls then? Or when I went to your place?" he asked. 

"I knew that if I saw you then I'd probably let you comfort me and convince me to give in, and I wanted to stay strong and wait for Jimin. But..."

"But?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow, prodding at Taehyung's knee so that he would stop looking at the ground and face him. 

"I started getting Jungkookie withdrawal symptoms and couldn't help myself," Taehyung shyly declared, finally looking up with wide eyes.

It's safe to say that Jungkook just about died. 


Taehyung poked worriedly at Jungkook who was completely frozen. His face was beginning to grow redder and redder and he wasn't even blinking an eye. 


That seemed to snap Jungkook out of his daze who immediately started coughing violently. Alarmed, Taehyung began rubbing at his back. 

"Y-Yeah, I'm good," Jungkook choked out after taking several deep breaths. 

"You sure?" Taehyung confirmed, nervously playing with his fingers. Was it what he said that made Jungkook react that way? Did he come on too strong?

There was a silence afterwards, not an awkward one, but more of a comfortable, thoughtful silence as the two simply basked in each other's presence. When about twenty minutes passed, Jungkook finally opened his mouth. 

"Hyung, let's go to Jimin-Hyung and figure out what's going on, okay?"

Taehyung sighed. He knew sooner or later this would happen. He had planned on remaining stubborn and waiting for Jimin to make the first move, but Jungkook was right. He couldn't stand this awkward, tense situation they were in. So Taehyung hesitantly nodded, and followed Jungkook to his car, hoping that they would be all right. 


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