Chapter 27

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Taehyung was devastated. 

Now that summer break had finally come, Jungkook was expected to work full time at the company for the span of the entire break. Instead of going on vacation and maybe a few unplanned trips, Taehyung was stuck with being alone for the next two months as the entire BTS group had other work to do.

"I'm sorry Tae, I hadn't planned on doing anything this summer break but my mom signed me up for an abroad studies program that lasts for a few weeks. I'll be back soon enough, don't worry, and we'll still have one or two weeks of free time together." Jimin reassured the pouting Taehyung who was currently curled up on the couch, refusing to let Jimin go. 

"Come on, Taehyung-ah, I gotta get to the airport."

Taehyung groaned before finally letting go, pressing a quick kiss to his best friend's hand before pitifully waving goodbye. 

"Did Jimin leave?" a voice called out from the bedroom.

Taehyung's frown deepened as Jungkook fumbled out of the room, hair slicked back, suit impeccably in place. The younger continued to stumble around the living room grabbing important papers scattered all over the place in a hurry. 


Taehyung watched a bit guiltily as Jungkook immediately froze at his dejected tone of voice. The younger put down the papers he had been holding and made his way towards Taehyung, leaning down to cup the elder's cheeks. 

"Aw angel, I'm sorry." Jungkook sighed, rubbing his thumbs against the smooth skin.

"I's not your fault." Taehyung instantly murmured back, leaning into Jungkook's warm touch.

"I love you sweetheart," Jungkook sweetly smiled, leaning down further to press a quick kiss on the elder's lips. Taehyung suppressed the whine that nearly came out when Jungkook pulled away. 

"I'll try to be back soon, so don't worry, okay?" Jungkook made sure, getting up to get the papers again and stuff them in his briefcase. 

"Okay." Taehyung replied, tone a little clipped. He couldn't help it. The younger had said the same thing for the past two weeks, and every day he returned well past 11 pm. At one point Jungkook had even come home at 2 am in the morning, tipsy, and disheveled. He had explained the next morning that they had a late outing with the employees and as CEO Jungkook was expected to join. It was common courtesy in South Korea to accept drinks from your elders, and even if Jungkook was superior in status, he was still manner-filled and couldn't reject the older employees who poured soju for him to drink. 

Taehyung didn't care that Jungkook had come back drunk. He was more upset that Jungkook had come back drunk smelling like a flowery woman's perfume. Women employees were inevitable in companies and Taehyung definitely had nothing against them. But women employees who purposely got close enough to Jungkook that their perfume rubbed off on him? Now that ticked Taehyung off just a tad bit. 

But he didn't want to stress Jungkook out further than he already was so he remained silent. 

"Tae? You good?" Jungkook asked in a worried tone.

Taehyung forced a taut smile on his face. "Yeah."

Jungkook looked unconvinced but the smile must have worked to some extent because he gave Taehyung one more wary look before accepting it with a nod and leaving the dorm with a quick wave. 

Taehyung sighed as he laid down on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. 

He had considered getting a part-time job, but he had no way to travel other than Jungkook's car, and he had no idea how to drive. He could always use the bus system but the nearest bus station was way too far to go to on foot. Bangtan University was a private, prestigious school where all of the students were rich, rich, rich. Taehyung was one of the very few people who had gotten in through scholarship, so why would the entire University move closer to a bus stop just because of Taehyung?

Now, the only way Taehyung could pass the time  was preparing for his monthly galleries. I mean, he did have his very own personal gallery space that the University specifically provided for him, simply because people from all over the nation came to Bangtan solely to see his works of art. It was quite surreal. 

But believe it or not, Taehyung was having a very major artist's block, especially since he was feeling lonely and bored lately, so he couldn't be cooped up in his studio for hours on end since he had no idea what to do. 

Some genius artist.

Just as Taehyung was about to give up on thinking in general for the nth time that week, he suddenly had an amazing idea. Why not prepare something special for Jungkook for when he comes back home? 

So with an excited squeal Taehyung immediately got up from his spot on the couch, got to the closet, and pulled on the nearest outfit he could find which was a pair of black, ripped jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a patterned Gucci bomber jacket that he swears he bought with his own money. 

With newfound determination, Taehyung dashed out the dorm room and headed towards the small grocery store right beside the dormitory areas. 

Kim Taehyung was determined to bake a cake and paint something beautiful on it. 


Jungkook signed his name on the contract Namjoon-Hyung handed him with a dull, bored look on his face. 

"Is that all?" he asked tiredly, already dreading the answer from his Hyung. 

"Yeah, we're all set for today."

"Fine. I'll get to that right awa- wait what??"

Jungkook jolted from his seat and stared up at his right hand man/ best friend with a shocked look. He glanced at the digital clock on his desk for a split second before staring in surprise at his business advisor.

"B-But it's 7:30!" he exclaimed in astonishment. 

Namjoon simply quirked an eyebrow.

"Jungkook, dude, the entire top floor knows how tired and depressed you've been lately. Nobody in this building except for me has even met Taehyung yet all of your employees know that you've been missing him a lot simply from how sensitive and snappy you've been lately. So everybody agreed that they would gladly take on more work if you worked at home on the weekends and got to go home early on Fridays. And today is a"

Jungkook's jaw dropped open at Namjoon's remark as he settled back in his seat in complete and utter disbelief. 

"W-What? I-I'm not snapp-"

"Jungkook, you literally fired five people just this week, and your reason for firing one of them was because they had a tiger plushie on their desk and you got upset saying it reminded you of Taehyung." Namjoon deadpanned, rolling his eyes.

Jungkook couldn't help but frown and cross his arms in annoyance.

"But it wasn't fair! He got to have this adorable plushie with him at work but I can't-" 

"Whatever, I rehired him and the other people anyways because I knew you weren't thinking rationally." Namjoon sighed, shaking his head.

"Wait so...what you're saying is that...I can go home right now??" Jungkook repeated, eyes widening in realization. 

"Yes, dumbnut, you can go home to your precious angel and stay at your dorm over the weekend as long as you finish your share of the work by Monday." Namjoon softly smiled at Jungkook's obvious enthusiasm. 

"Wow of all thank you so much." Jungkook began as he frantically started to stuff random paperwork into his briefcase.

"No problem, man. Anything as long as you don't act like a lovesick fool like you have been for the past two weeks."

Jungkook glared at his bestfriend before straightening himself up and heading out the door.

"Yeah whatever, and second of all, don't call Tae angel, that's reserved solely for me." Jungkook called out behind him, ignoring the muttered string of not so nice words of Namjoon's response.

He couldn't wait to get home.

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