Chapter 21

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One last day. One more day left until the final plan would go into action. One more day left of sweet moments before all war broke out. 

"One more day, huh?" Jungkook whispered into Taehyung's ear as the two lay in a fort they had made for the kids who were now fast asleep. 

"Yeah...just tomorrow and the next day we'll be off to Daegu for the second time." Taehyung sighed in disbelief. He turned towards Jungkook and nuzzled into his warmth, the younger eagerly tightening his grip and tangling their legs together. 

"Just think, Tae, after the day after tomorrow, we can turn Kim JeNa in, you'll have everything that's rightfully yours back, and we can spend an eternity together."

Taehyung smiled at Jungkook's words, the warmth radiating off of his body not only reaching Taehyung's skin but also his heart.

"Did you just indirectly propose to me?" 

Taehyung felt Jungkook stiffen and giggled into the younger's chest.

"I'm just joking, now loosen up, you're too hard when you tighten your muscles."

Jungkook immediately sighed, tension leaving his body as he melded into Taehyung. 

"You know, angel..."


"Sometimes I...Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if we really did get married."

Taehyung paused as he took a few moments to let Jungkook's words soak in. 

"Jungkook, you're 20, and we've literally been together for five days" he pointed out, pulling his head away from Jungkook's chest to look up at him. 

"I know, and I'm not saying we should get married in a month or something. I just mean...I can't picture myself not spending my entire life with you, and it's something I've actually thought of. Plus, even if we've only been dating for five days, I've loved you for way longer. Unless- Unless you don't me?"

"Oh, Jungkookie," Taehyung sighed, tilting his head upwards to press a kiss to the younger's pout. "Of course I do. I've thought about it too, but it's more like a fantasy, you know? Like I find it a bit difficult to imagine myself being happy for years and years with you by my side since I've only known misfortune basically my entire life. Even this moment right now feels like a dream. I still can't believe that you actually love me back and we're together."

And it was the truth. Taehyung felt like any second he would wake up in his old dorm room and have his mother screaming at him on the phone, taunting him by forcing him to listen to the pained cries of the kids. 

"It's not a dream, Hyung."

Taehyung stared up at Jungkook's eyes which looked so gentle and almost pained. He let his gaze trail down to the younger's parted lips, and unconsciously licked his own. 

"But-" he began before Jungkook suddenly pulled Taehyung up a little so they were eye to eye and delved in to connect their lips.  Taehyung's eyes opened wide in surprise before he sighed in content, as he fervently matched the younger's pace. 

"Not a dream." Jungkook murmured into the kiss, not even able to form complete sentences as he licked into the elder's mouth.

Ever since the first real kiss on Jungkook's bed a few days ago,  a new door seemed to open in their relationship. Taehyung found himself becoming increasingly needier and pliant in Jungkook's arms as opposed to when it was normally the younger who started most of the affection. He grew bolder and less shy, stealing quick kisses even in public areas like a café or the library. It was safe to say that the entire campus knew of their relationship although they never openly declared it out loud. In their case, their actions definitely spoke louder than words considering the fact that there was never a second in the day when Jungkook and Taehyung were not attached together in some way. Whether they were holding hands, back-hugging each other, or even just crossing pinkies as they walked, the two were inseparable.

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