Chapter 23

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A/N I recently started a new book for a compilation of Taekook oneshots called Sweet and Simple. I only have one story in, but am writing several others which will be updated very soon. Please check it out! Thank you!


When Taehyung woke up he was confused. 

He stared at an unfamiliar ceiling, with the white lights fixated on it blinding him. He felt numb. Numb like the day in the snow. So he closed his eyes again and enjoyed his numbness because something told him that once he fully woke up again, he wouldn't feel so numb anymore. 


Taehyung's ears perked up at the low whimpering sound, eyes opening again as the feeling began to return to his body. The first thing he noticed was his scratchy throat. He opened his mouth to answer the person but no words came out. His throat was too dry for him to let out a sound. 

Instead, he opted to twitch his fingers at least a little, hoping to let the person now that he was listening.

"T-Tae? Hyung?? Are you awake??"

The blinding light in the ceiling was covered as Jungkook stared down at him, blocking the whiteness. The warmth on his hand disappeared. 

"W-Water," Taehyung managed to croak out, wincing at how it felt like his throat was being ripped open. 

He watched in amusement as Jungkook fumbled around like a little kid, eyes wide and panicked as he searched the room for some water. 


Taehyung gladly accepted the cup that Jungkook placed on his lips, helping him drink the fluid. He immediately felt relief. 

"T-Thanks, Jungkookie," he murmured, making a move to get up, but instantly wincing at the sharp pain on his lower hip. 

"D-Don't move!!" Jungkook exclaimed in surprise, gently holding Taehyung in place by the shoulders. 

"What happened? Where am I? What's going on?" 

"You lost a lot of blood, Hyung. You're at Jin-Hyung's hospital right now. He had the best doctors look at you, but they told me it didn't look good. You were out for five days. Gosh, Tae, you don't know how scared I was." 

Taehyung noticed the tears beginning to form in the youngers eyes and he sighed, painfully lifting an arm to cup Jungkook's cheek and brush away the stray tears. 

"It's fine. I'm okay. You're okay. Everyone is okay. Everything is over...right?" Taehyung asked hopefully. His expression immediately brightened when he saw the familiar bunny-toothed smile on Jungkook's face. 

"You're going to be so proud of me Hyung! I'm actually a genius." 

Taehyung rolled his eyes at Jungkook's remark, but still smiled softly, relief washing all over him. 

"C-Can you tell me what happened?"

Jungkook instantly nodded, and sat down, the lights blinding Taehyung again. 

"So what happened was..."

Flashback (Jungkook)

Jungkook's face fell as he stared at his angel, soaked in blood and looking far worse in person than on camera. Taehyung's face was pale, his entire body limp, and he looked...he looked dead.

Choking back tears, Jungkook made his way to the elder, clutching his body to him. 

"HYUNG!!!!! HYUNG HELP ME PLEASE!!!" he screamed to anyone, desperately pressing down on Taehyung's lower hip to stop the bleeding. 

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