Chapter 5

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Jungkook looked fondly at Taehyung as he nervously played with his fingers before starting to speak. 

"So, I was born in Daegu. My family was pretty poor, and we managed a farm. We had an elderly neighbor who owned a strawberry farm which I enjoyed visiting, and overall we were just your average family. Then an accident happened and my way younger cousins came to live with us," Taehyung grinned, eyes softening at the mention of his cousins. He looked up as if to check if Jungkook was listening.

Jungkook stared intently at Taehyung and nodded, humming a little to tell him to go on. He felt a little breathless at Taehyung's boxy smile which made him positively glow.

"Yeah well, I don't remember when I met Jimin since I was like six, but we've been friends ever since. I applied to BTU as a sort of joke, Jimin dared me to since he was as well. I knew that he would get accepted, he's an amazing dancer- wait. Wait. Is he really a dance major?"

Jungkook froze and he looked down a bit sheepishly. So Jimin-Hyung lied about his major.

"H-He's a double major, so yeah he does dance but he also does business. He just chose to live in the dance building," he explained.

"For obvious reasons," Taehyung spat out bitterly.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung's expression saddened and his breathtaking boxy grin was replaced with a grimace. 

"Was that what Jimin lied about? His major? Is that why this entire ordeal started?" Jungkook asked cautiously. 

Taehyung's head snapped up and an ugly frown settled itself on his mouth, causing Jungkook to furrow his eyebrows. He didn't like it when Taehyung frowned.

"No, why would I get mad about that? Yeah, I hate lying, but I wouldn't be hurt or anything just a little annoyed."

"So, can I ask what he lied about then?"

Taehyung's frown disappeared to be replaced with a watery smile. "I-I guess?" he offered, shyly. 

"If you're not comfortable, then I really don't need to know."

"I-I just, it's a little stupid really," Taehyung sighed. 

"It's not stupid at all. But since we have known each other for like five hours in total, it might be difficult for you to tell me, I understand."

Jungkook nodded with a soft smile when Taehyung murmured a small thanks. He wasn't sure why but for some reason he found shy Taehyung so endearing. 

"Wow, I can't believe I spent the entire day just talking. It's already 5! Aren't you hungry? You probably skipped breakfast and lunch."

At that exact moment, Jungkook's stomach began to rumble. He blushed sheepishly as he just started to realize how hungry he was. Taehyung just laughed as he got up from the floor and began to stretch when suddenly he cried out in alarm. Jungkook jolted up in surprise as Taehyung's face twisted in pain.

"Why?? What's wrong?"

"I-I think I pulled a muscle. My hip is burning."

Jungkook very carefully lifted up the corner of Taehyung's t-shirt to reveal dozens of bandages wrapped all over his hip and back. 

"What happened to you?" he asked in disbelief. His head churned, and he found himself getting angry at the sight of all the bandages. 

Taehyung just shyly covered himself again. "It's nothing, I just, get hurt easily." 

Jungkook narrowed his eyes whilst crossing his arms. 

"Fine. I've been sleeping at my art studio lately and my body is a little sore, and I have the smallest studio so having a large clay bust in the middle didn't help with my clumsiness, and I hit myself in several places. I'm really okay, though," Taehyung explained.

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