Chapter 9

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Taehyung was proud of himself. He felt like he had actually accomplished something. Finally, after just one month of meeting the "BTS" group, as the campus liked to call them, Taehyung was completely relinquished of his prejudice towards rich people. Well, most rich people. He still refused anyone's offers to pay for something, but he let Jungkook spoil him occasionally and he was over at the younger's house so often, his rent went down because he hardly ever used his goshiwon room. 

Nowadays, all Taehyung felt was relief. He was so relieved that he had gotten over the uncomfortable wall that was always there between Jungkook, Jimin, and everyone else whenever money was brought up. He was relieved that he could see Yoongi-Hyung wearing a designer sweater and instead of feeling disgusted he would feel the sudden urge to pet the soft fabric and practically cuddle with the elder. He was relieved that he could see the enormous amount of food Jin-Hyung made for the dinner gathering every Sunday night and not get queasy but instead enjoy the delicious food and just as heart-warming conversations. But most of all, he was relieved that he could look at the group of his genuine friends and not label them as "rich people" but see them as Jin-Hyung, Yoongi-Hyung, Hobi-Hyung, Namjoon-Hyung, Jimin, and Jungkook. 

For a few weeks, Taehyung was at his ultimate high. Since he didn't have any official classes he needed to attend, (he was already so educated in everything art-related, the school agreed that he could just show up for exams.) he relaxed and laughed and hung out with the BTS group (he was even added to it once Jungkook forced him to accept his gifts of Gucci and other designer clothing and the school realized that Kim Taehyung, otherwise known as Vante, was not only a genius artist but a true heartthrob.) He still felt uncomfortable receiving anything, so whenever a Hyung or Jungkook gave him something, he was sure to pay them back in a small but meaningful way, mostly with art pieces that he poured his love into. 

But then. But then that time of month came when he would get a phone call. This month it happened on a Saturday. A cold, lazy January Saturday where he was curled up against Jungkook at 10 in the morning, one hand intertwined with Yoongi-Hyung (Yoongi had a thing for holding hands) and the other rubbing circles on Jungkook's waist as they watched some cliché morning drama that was so stupid but weirdly addicting. Jimin was asleep on Yoongi-Hyung's lap, which was a surprise since it usually was the opposite.

Taehyung felt content, fuzzy, and warm inside. His heart beat erratically at how sweet Jungkook was being, nuzzling into his hair and tightening his grip around Taehyung. His not so little crush on the younger boy seemed to grow every day.

And then his phone rang. The problem was that instead of the usual classical music tone, a woman's voice was screeching "PICK THIS UP RIGHT THIS INSTANT KIM TAEHYUNG YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF-"

Taehyung was always sure to pick up before the personal ring tone his mother, Kim JeNa, set up on his phone finished its sentence. Taehyung cringed as Yoongi-Hyung and Jungkook flinched, abruptly getting up with wide eyes as they stared at Taehyung in shock. Jimin had woken up, rubbing at his eyes confusedly. 

"Hello?" Taehyung whispered into the phone, energy already draining from his body.

"You picked up later than usual." was the response on the other side.

"I apologize." Taehyung managed to grit out, trying his best to sound sincere.

"Well, Taehyungie, you know what this call is about." the woman's stoic voice remarked.

Taehyung's grip on the phone tightened as he clenched his teeth together. 

"You seem to be a few days early."

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