Chapter 2

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"Namjoon. You jerk." Jungkook spat at his best friend who sheepishly smiled.

"I don't know how the press found out! You can't blame me!" Namjoon pleaded. 

"I'm not even an idol or anything, why are they so interested in me?" Jungkook grumbled as he wearily looked out the window of his car at the screaming swarm of girls and handful of boys.

"I don't know, maybe because you're young, hot, and you carry around hundred dollar bills as change?" Namjoon sarcastically pointed out, "Bro, did you know that they have a name for you guys?" 

Jungkook looked up questioningly.

"They called Jimin, Jin-hyung, and these two other hot rich dudes 'BTS' for Bangtan Sonyeondan, or like the most wanted and unreachable group that attends BTU. The 'fans' or 'followers' call themselves 'Army.' Now, they've added us to it since we're both going to be attending BTU," Namjoon explained.

Jungkook nodded and laughed at his words until he heard Namjoon's last sentence.

"You're- You're what??"

"Yeah, your dad ordered me to keep up with you since I am your advisor. I'll act as a sort of secretary to still keep you updated on work stuff. So I turned in my application, which honestly wasn't necessary since they've been begging me to come for a while, and easily got accepted. It's easy when you're a nationwide known genius, and the best friend of freaking Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook completely forgot about the screaming girls outside of the car, keeping him from getting out, and grinned. 

"That's awesome! Man, this is going to be great."

Namjoon threw Jungkook a playful wink, before turning his attention to the task at hand: How were they going to make it out alive?


Taehyung sighed as he continued to clean the cheap plastic tools that he had used to create the woman's bust. 

"I don't think I'll be able to salvage them. I may have to buy new ones," he grumbled. 

"I just don't understand. First of all, how do you manage to create such beautiful artwork with such crappy materials? Secondly, how is it that you are praised by the entire nation for you work, you've had like three gallery showings in your freshman year, and you earn so much money, yet you live in the tiniest one room dorm and you look like any other average art student if not worse?" Jimin questioned.

Taehyung smiled at his best friend's ranting. He knew that he was just worried for him. 

"You know why I don't have money."

"Yeah, I do, because of your stupid mom!"Jimin retorted, throwing Taehyung a sharp look when he opened his mouth to retaliate. 

"Don't you dare correct me. We both know that your mom is a selfish, egoistical b- b- bagel!" 

Taehyung laughed out loud, his mood immediately lifting at Jimin's choice of words. "Gosh, I love you, Chim."

"Can I get you better tools? I saw the newer metal and rubber ones online for a pretty good price." Jimin cautiously asked.

Taehyung's expression immediately went grave as he glared at his best friend.

"Jimin, we both know that you are suffering financially too. Maybe not as bad as me, but you're a student too! I can't take advantage of you like that!"

Taehyung watched curiously as Jimin's face paled.

"Y-Yeah, s-suffering financially, j-just a normal s-student, that's me!" he stammered.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes. Something was up. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing, I just remembered that I have this- this thing, yeah, a thing, and I really gotta go. I'm sorry, Tae!"

Taehyung knew. He knew something was wrong, but for now he let it go. Giving his best friend a quick hug, he dropped the matter and let him leave. Whatever could be up with him?

I'm sorry, Taehyung. Jimin looked down at his feet as he briskly made his way out of the art building. He wasn't lying. Namjoonie hyung did call him over to meet Jeon Jungkook, a sort of acquaintance. Jimin swiftly pulled on a mask and slipped up his hoodie, so that none of the "Army" would swarm him. Part of him was glad that Taehyung was so oblivious and absorbed in his art, since it was easier to pretend to be the same like Taehyung. But it was getting harder and harder to lie to his best friend, and part of him wished that Tae would find out already. But he knew that once Tae knew, that once he knew that Jimin wasn't as "financially troubled" as he seemed to be, Tae would get angry, then scared, and then leave. Because no matter how much Tae defended his mother, the truth was that he hated her too. He hated the people like her, who got everything they wanted, didn't have a single struggle, got away with everything because of their money. And Jimin was one of them.

 And Jimin was one of them

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"Hey, are we rooming together?" Jungkook asked as the pair breathlessly dropped their stuff in the massive suite-like dorm, finally safely inside.

"Yeah, for now. Jinnie-Hyung is coming back in a week and I'll move into his place then."

"Why? My place is probably bigger than his is," Jungkook frowned.

Namjoon merely rolled his eyes. "He asked first, and they're probably like the same size."

"Whatever." Jungkook murmured, growling at Namjoon when he laughed at his poutiness.

"Oh, by the way, I called Jiminie over. He'll be here soon."

"Jiminie? Since when were you guys so close?"

"Since I came here a few days ago and officially met the 'BTS' group. Dude, Hobi-Hyung and Yoongi-Hyung are so cool. You have to meet them! They might come over a bit later, possibly."

"Why'd you come here a few days ago?"

"Well I wanted to meet this 'BTS' group, and find out if they were trus-" Namjoon paused. He threw Jungkook a wary look, nodding to confirm that yes he went to see if they would be the backstabbing, bratty CEO sons or the mature, laid-back CEO type of sons. It was a precaution that people in their world had to take. Jungkook nodded back to Namjoon, a curt one to shortly thank him. His best friend was always good at telling how a person was. He just hoped that his hyung was right, and that he could trust this "group."

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