Chapter 19

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Taehyung drowsily woke up the next morning, still tucked into Jungkook's chest, the younger's tight grip keeping him from falling off.

He recollected the events from the night before with a grin. He couldn't believe that it was finally official. That his feelings towards his guardian angel wasn't just one-sided.

However, part of him was still confused. He couldn't understand why someone like Jungkook would love or even feel attracted to him. And to think that he was since the moment he saw him, shocked Taehyung to the core.

"My legs...they're asleep..." Jungkook suddenly grumbled, ripping Taehyung away from his thoughts.

"Oh! Sorry!!" Taehyung exclaimed, immediately making move to get up.

He was stopped, however, when the younger tightened his grip around Taehyung's waist.

"No, don't go. Just stay here, baby."

Taehyung flushed a bright red at the pet name. He was still struggling to get used to angel and Jungkook already had a new name for him.

"You're calling me that on purpose, aren't you? Just to make me embarrassed." He pouted, burying his face in Jungkook's black hoodie, refusing to look up.

"Maybe." Jungkook teased, sounding a little more awake than before.

"But to be fair, you're really adorable when you're flustered, babe."


"Oops, sorry, did it again." But Jungkook didn't sound sorry at all.

"It's okay, it's not like I dislike's just...I get a little...shy..." Taehyung murmured.

"Aw, angel...look at me."

Taehyung hesitantly looked up from Jungkook's chest only hold his breath in surprise at the pure adoration in Jungkook's steady gaze. Was this the way Jungkook always looked at him? How could he really not notice? All the insecure thoughts he had from before dissipated simply from the younger's gaze.

"I love you, hyung." Jungkook whispered craning his head upwards in order to kiss Taehyung softly on the cheek.

Taehyung grinned, heart thrumming with pleasure.

"I love you too, Jungkookie." he replied, pressing a quick kiss on the younger's lips.

Never before had Taehyung been this affectionate with anyone before in his life. He had never kissed anyone before until yesterday. But then he wondered if that really counted as a kiss. It was more of a peck as Jungkook had only pressed their lips together for roughly a second before quickly pulling away.

Taehyung wondered what it would be like to properly kiss Jungkook and ended up blushing bright red straight to the tips of his ears.

"Eww, Oppa just kissed the Jungkook Ahjussi."

Taehyung immediately pushed himself off Jungkook scrambling to get up from the floor as he stared sheepishly at YeRan who had an expression of disgust on her face.

"WHAT!?!?!" could be heard from inside the guest room before the rest of the kids burst out, eyes barely awake.

"Hey, YeRan-ah, why do you call Taehyungie-Hyung Oppa but me Jungkook Ahjussi? I'm even younger than him!" Jungkook whined at his eight-year-old cousin.

"Seriously? That's what you're worried about??" Taehyung sighed incredulously.

"Ew, kisses are disgusting." YeRan declared, scrunching up her nose in disgust.

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