Chapter 3

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Taehyung looked proudly at his finished piece softly illuminated by blue lights which created the somber mood. He was nearly done filling up the gallery for the next showing which would be in about a month. He had just a month to create a centerpiece.

Taehyung looked around the grand two-story gallery. The school had literally gave the entire space exclusively for his showings since so many people came. What started as a small admission fee of 5 dollars became a monstrous 50 per person to simply go in. He had about three showings a year. Most of the time it would just be one floor worth of pieces, but this time he was doing a full showing which took twice the effort. Taehyung was basically a celebrity in the art world. Yet, he could barely pay his rent on time and still have food to eat, and Taehyung's mother was the one to blame. 

His mother was just as Jimin described her: a selfish, egoistical bagel. She had a talent for spending money. No matter how much Taehyung sent home, she would spend every cent in a matter of days, threatening and annoying Taehyung for more. The only reason he complied with her was because of his younger siblings and cousins who had to deal with her as well. His mother was the reason why he had grown a hatred towards the rich. Those who got everything in life simply because they had money. Rationally, Taehyung knew that not all of the rich were alike, that there were some who were kind. But, he didn't care. In his eyes they were all the same.


After a few hours of conversing and snacking, Jungkook had completely opened up to Jimin. He even playfully called him "Jiimin-ssi" because he liked the sound of it and the way it made the other scrunch up and slap at him with a sweet eye smile. If Jungkook didn't know that Jimin already had his eye on someone, he probably would have found romantic interest in him. But after talking to him and getting to know him, he shudders at the thought since he already feels that Jimin is like an older brother to him. The three had broken out a few cans of beer, just as a light way of loosening up, but somehow two of them managed to get pretty drunk.

"Hyung, why'd you look so down when you first came here?" Jungkook asked. He did feel a little light-headed but was far from drunk unlike his two hyungs lounging on his couch. 

"T-Taeeeee! I'm SO SORRY!!!!!!" 

To Jungkook's utter surprise, Jimin started bawling his eyes out, clutching at Namjoon whilst sobbing into his arm. Namjoon didn't look fazed in the slightest and simply patted at his back. 

"Awww, is our little Diminie sad?"

Jungkook gaped as his usually cool and composed hyung started comforting Jimin, using aegyo. So drunk Jimin cried, and drunk Namjoon became cute. Great. Jungkook checked his phone which read 1 am and decided that he'll just let Jimin-hyung crash for the night. 

"I have to see T-Taeee! I h-have t-to say I'm sowwy! I want to go homee! GET ME TAE." 

Jungkook stared and sighed. Jimin was obviously going to make a fuss if he offered to let him stay. Instead, Jungkook took Jimin's phone and searched through the contacts, looking for this "Tae" person. Whoever he was he would probably take Jimin home. To Jungkook's surprise, Jimin didn't have many numbers which most likely meant that this was his personal phone. Jungkook too had a business phone and a personal phone. There was a person named "Taee<3 My LOVE" in his contacts. Ah...this was the person Jimin was interested in. Jungkook grinned. He would be doing Jiminie-hyung a huge favor by making his crush take him home, so he immediately pressed the call button. 

"H-Hello? Jiminie?" a groggy voice answered. Jungkook sucked his breath in, this "Tae" had a really attractive sleepy voice. 

"H-Hey, this is Jimin-Hyung's friend. He's at my house right now and a bit drunk. He asking for you, so do you think you cou-"

"I'm on my way. Text me the place." 

The call immediately ended, leaving Jungkook a bit speechless. He texted his address to the boy and waited. In about twenty minutes there was a sharp ring. He immediately got up to the door and told the guard that he could let him up the elevator. In a few moments there was a knock and Jungkook swung the door open, for some odd reason, nervous. Standing in front of him was a slightly disheveled looking boy with light hair and long lashes wearing sweats and a ratty t-shirt yet still managing to look really attractive. No wonder Jimin had a crush on him, he looked good. The boy for some reason looked terrified. 

"J-Jimin?" he stammered, and goodness his voice was deeper than through the phone. 

Jungkook couldn't help but just stare, because oh my goodness he was attracted to Jimin-Hyung's crush. He would kill him.

"W-Why is Jimin here? How do you know him?" the boy asked.

"I'm Jungkook." was all that Jungkook stupidly replied. Of course the boy already knew who he was. But to his surprise, the boy just raised an eye brow.

"Um..O-Okay? I'm Taehyung."

That seemed to snap Jungkook out of his stupid little trance. 

"O-Oh, sorry. Yeah, Jimin's father and my father worked together on this huge business deal or whatever. When I moved in, he decided to pay a visit and we got close. He's in the living room if you wanna go get him."

Taehyung just stared at Jungkook as if he said something horrifying. 

"W-What business deal?"

This time it was Jungkook's turn to be confused.

"Well, you know the usual collaboration or something. I'm not too sure since I wasn't CEO at the-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. CEO?" Taehyung's expression darkened and Jungkook gulped. Did he say something offensive? Why did he look so agitated?

"Y-Yeah, I'm CEO of the Jeon Company, I thought that was pretty obvious?" What was he saying? Now he just sounded like an arrogant jerk. Taehyung seemed to think so too as he narrowed his eyes to glare at him.

"Then what is Jimin?" 

Jungkook knew that something was wrong. He knew that he should probably shut up and just get Jimin out of there before he messed things up more because clearly Taehyung was angry. But he couldn't help the words that tumbled out of his mouth, and he wanted to blame it on the alcohol that made him so loose-lipped. 

"He's a CEO son too? Didn't you know?" They were definitely the wrong words to say.

Taehyung's eyes blew open, and he froze for a moment before tears began to form in his eyes. 


Taehyung's heart thumped erratically as his mind went blank. He felt light-headed, and his eyes began to roll back into his head when this Jungkook guy reached out to steady him. Immediately he jolted from him, harshly pushing him away before turning and stumbling towards the elevator. The moment the elevator door opened on the bottom floor, Taehyung ran as far as he could. His inside was crumbling into little tiny pieces and if he didn't get home soon he knew he would break down in the middle of wherever he was. 

Taehyung was crushed. 


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