Chapter 30

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A/N I am actually writing this chapter on my phone so I apoligize in advance for any major typos and mistakes! Thank you again for all the support and I love all of you guys so much! This chapter is brought to you by the several comments on Chapter 28 from @agustaena @PL0101 @stephivkook and also per request from several people who commented on Chapter 29! I'd like to remind you guys once again that as I want to keep this book as clean as possible there will be no explicit scenes, but I'll try to get as close as possible! (p.s. this is my first time writing anything like this so please cut me some slack :))
This chapter, the special dedication goes to Blackbangtan1504 and DewinthaAyu! Thank you!


Jungkook gazed down at his beautiful angel and brought his hands down to slowly take off the soft cardigan he was wearing and throw it somewhere across the room. He then used one hand to guide Taehyung's turned away head to face him as if asking for permission before his other hand began to slide down his teal pants.

Left in only his maroon, oversized dress shirt and silk boxers (beret somewhere lost in the room), Taehyung flushed a bright red and brought his hands up to cover his face.

Jungkook really couldn't help the coo that came out as he swooped down to press kisses on Taehyung's fluttering eyes once he gently removed the elder's hands away from his face.

"W-What if they hear, Ggukkie?" Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook was confused for a moment before he realized he meant the Hyungs who were in the rooms on either side of them.

"The walls are thick, and we can be quiet, Tae. You've never been so sensitive to being loud, what's wrong?" Jungkook murmured back, pressing his hands againt his angel's hips and pecking his cheek.

He watched in concern as Taehyung blushed a deeper red and bit at his lips nervously.

"I...I wanna go all the way, today, though, I don't think I can keep quiet."

Jungkook choked on thin air as he felt his breath knock right out of him.

"Y-You- W-What??" he managed to stammer getting up from the elder in surprise.

Taehyung got up as well and brought his legs together, wrapping his arms around them before responding.

"I know I'm not experienced, and it'll be my first time...and I know you told me you could wait forever if I was scared, but I'm ready now. I promise."

Jungkook coughed a few times, flustered, as he ran his hand through his hair.

"You sure, Tae? Frick, I didn't prepare anything or-"

"I...I brought the's in my suitcase." Taehyung mumbled, embarrasesd.

"Wow, oh yeah, yeah sure." Jungkook knew he was rambling but he really couldn't help it.

"You sure, baby?" He asked, just to make sure.

"I trust you, Ggukkie."

At that, Jungkook felt something snap in him. Like weeks and months of only going so far before stopping and leaving him mostly unsatisfied had built up. Letting out a low growl, Jungkook possessively wrapped an arm around Taehyung's waist and tangled his other hand in the elder's silky strands before capturing his angel's lips with newfound passion.

Jungkook shuddered when Taehyung let out a low, breathy moan and he pressed the elder back onto the bed. As the two kissed fervently, tongues melding together, Jungkook slid the hand in Taehyung's hair slowly down the elder's lean body before stopping at his thighs, squeezing at the soft skin. Taehyung immediately gasped and let out a small whimper when Jungkook repeated the action, this time a little higher, right at the plump flesh of his butt.

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