Discovering Nashesh Part 2

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"Hold on!" I say, "You said they were 15-17 years old and remnant users. That puts me in the victim list as well."

"There is an age pattern. First a 15-year-old, then a 17-year-old, then a 16-year-old. The last victim, Joshua Webber, was 17." John rebukes.

"So next, they'll be 16, then 15, then 17, then me." concludes Zeph. "How did you work out there would be three more victims before me?"

"Nashesh wants to make you scared."

"Well, he succeeded. Hab, you and I can bring him down, right?" Zeph suddenly turned to me.

"Woah, slow down. How?" I ask.

"The usual way."

I grin. I like the usual way.

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