FLASHBACK - The Day Our Mother Died

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I step outside the house, ready to welcome our mother home from her trip with her friends. She was driving a little car home with her two mates in the back. That's what she told me, anyway. Hab and Elyssa come and stand near me in the front garden.

Ten minutes pass.

Mum's little white car comes round the corner.

And a black SUV comes round the other corner.

There is a head-on collision.

Mother is thrown onto the pavement.

I starts to run to her "Zeph! No, Zeph! Stay here!" Hab grabs my arm to try and stop me from running to her, but I shake him off.

"Mother!" I kneel by her side. She's bleeding badly from her head and side, and several of her ribs are broken. "Mother, don't die!"

"Sing." she says. "Please sing."

So I sing to her, the song she sang to us as kids. The Pirate song everyone associates with Pirates of the Caribbean, but it's actually a song from her trade.

"Yo, ho

Haul together

Hoist the colours high!

Heave, ho

Thieves and beggars

Never shall we die."

She's still breathing. I take out my knife to ease her pain but she sees and shakes her head. "No, I'm gone soon," Mother tells me. "May the LORD be with you." She dies there. Hab begins to pull me away, but I fight him. I don't want to leave her.

"Zeph, you have to leave her! She's dead, there's nothing you can do!" Hab yells. Eventually I stops and go limp.

That's how our Mother died.

That day changed our lives.

That day when her littlewhite car turned red with blood .   

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