Exams and Orbs

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It's exam season, which means stress levels are high. In the corner of the exam hall is a telepathy expert so they can know we aren't cheating. The first few exams go well, and I have so much on my mind I forget about the orb.

After my Maths EFYTAJ, I remember the orb. I take it to John, to see if we can find more out about it.

"Hmm. An anti-soul. Interesting. I haven't seen one of these in a long while, want to identify it?" he asks me. It's one of my abilities. I can identify souls. John breaks open the orb and I catch the smoke. Easier to catch than dreams, I note. I close my eyes.

"It's the soul of a female. About 16 years old. Carrie Simpson."

"Aah. The girl found outside your house. Right. Where did you get this?"

"An old lady had it on a bus. I identified it as Neman. I have to give it back soon." I make another orb, but this time, the soul is purple. That's good. If Carrie had a body left to go to, I'd give it back to her.

"Zeph, did you get who made the orb?"

Hold on.

No, I hadn't.

"No. Maybe Nashesh?" I say.

"Look deeper." John orders. I revise what I've just seen. I find Carrie's last moments, and see a dark, hooded figure who is somewhat familiar.

"Most likely Nashesh. Do you know what he looks like?"

"Nope. But I'm assuming he is hooded."

"Definitely Nashesh then." So Nashesh is taking the souls of his victims and making them into anti-souls. This is bad. If I get made into an anti-soul, I won't ever be able to see my family again. He may make me into one of his men, like Steele. Actually, it isn't bad, it's worse.

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