The Maze

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It takes two more days to reach Nashesh's lair. It turns out it's on the outskirts of Cantanena, not actually in it. Somehow, we must find a way inside.

This looks nigh impossible, seeing as it is a fortified castle. Not a big one, but still fairly grand.

"John. Down there, there's an entrance into a basement." Hab whispers.

We all go over to it.

It's just a small tunnel serving as an access vent.

"They should really block that up." Genesis murmurs.

"Looks like we'll be crawling through. Hab, you go first." I say. Hab nods, then crawls easily into the tunnel. Genesis goes next, followed by Joseph, Zeph's dad. Then me. The tunnel is small and cramped, I can only just fit through. We emerge in some sort of storage basement.

"Let's try and get on one of the upper levels." Genesis says. I lead the way through the tunnels.

We turn the corner to see a naked girl in a tank.

"Woah. I did not expect to see that down here." Hab says.

"God, that's one of the victim's souls. Thats an illusion." I murmur. We move on.

Dotted around are more souls in tanks. Most I recognize, some I don't.

"That's Steele!" Hab exclaims. I turn to see the man suspended in the weird blue gel on the wall.

"Just move on!" Genesis snaps, poking him in the back.

We do.

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