Chapter I

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DETROIT'S rain poured into the night with unrelenting strength against the cities inhabitants. The rain and thunder proved to be a formidable opponent against Olivia, who was currently sitting on her couch with a mug of coffee and some movie on the T.V. She did want to go out with her friends tonight, but the thunderstorm rolled in and she had to cancel. God knew Olivia and thunderstorms did not mix well together.

It was around six when the sunset and the dark clouds started to form over the technologically advanced city. Olivia cared little about politics and she was really indifferent towards androids. She didn't recognize them as slaves and she doesn't own one so that could say more about her non-existent political stance. She did have android friends and they were as good as friends as humans. That's what the protesters think, anyway. If you aren't with them, you are against them.

Despite living in the hometown of androids, Olivia was too broke to even consider buying an android. Sure, her parents had a few up in Manhattan, but she wasn't living off mommy and daddy's paychecks every month.

Thunder cracked overhead, the pounding of the rain against the roof caused fear to coalesce in the pit of her stomach. The dark-haired woman reached for the remote and turned up the volume. She was watching a random movie from her parent's time, something about dinosaurs taking over the place and killing random people. It was a good movie, but the quality back then was nothing compared to now.

A commercial came on T.V., promoting a new club in downtown. It was an android sex club. Olivia furrowed her brows as she watched more of the commercial, but a distant vibration caught Olivia's attention, turning her gaze from the hot androids to her flashing phone on one of the pillows beside her. She grimaced, not wanting to answer but she didn't want to be rude.

Olivia mentally prepped herself and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Olivia Juliet Crawford! Where on God's green earth are you?" The familiar sound of her best friend's voice was not comforting, especially when it involved her middle name. Olivia smiled ever so slightly as she sighed. Her eyes went to the window in the living room, the rain not ceasing.

"Take a guess." Olivia's tone was lower than she wanted it to be, but it was a reflection of the mood in the small apartment.

"This is the third time you canceled on me! And I are not going to let you sit around and mope all day!" Lena was one of Olivia's more extroverted friends. She loved going out and hanging out with new people whilst Olivia was not like that. Sure, she could be like that, but she chooses not to because it is just too much work.

Olivia hit the pause button on the T.V. and stood up from the warmth of the couch. She grabbed her mug in one hand and her phone in the other. Olivia chewed on her lip nervously as she walked to the kitchen and rinsed out her mug.

"If you don't answer, I will come over and drag you out of your apartment." Lena wasted no time showing what she really wanted from Olivia and like hell, Lena is going to go down without a fight.

"Can you just leave me to my peace and let me binge watch my movies?" Olivia playfully groaned, earning a laugh from the other end of the line. Olivia shook her head, knowing she had to assuage her.

Olivia heard a knock on her door, her head immediately snapping over to the sound. She raised a brow as she wondered who could be on the other side, then it hit her. Her eyes widen as she scowled. "I am going to kill you."

She could faintly hear a chuckle from the phone as Olivia tossed her phone on the couch and marched to the door. She didn't even need to check the eyehole, she knew who it was.

The door opened to reveal a grinning redhead, a phone in hand as she wrapped her lanky arms around Olivia. The dark-haired woman shook her head, fighting back a smile as she wrapped her arms around her friend as well.

After the embrace, Lena showed herself in, heading straight to the fridge and grabbing herself a water bottle. Olivia closed the door behind her, locking it as she walked behind Lena to the connected kitchen. Taking a sip, Lena took a seat on one of the stools beside the counter and propped her arms up on the white counter.

"Well?" Olivia asked, taking the seat across from her as Lena rolled her eyes.

"Go get ready! We aren't leaving when you are still looking like that." Lena pointed to Olivia's sweatpants and hoodie. The woman in question frowned but turned on her heels and went towards her room.

Lena grinned quietly from the kitchen as Olivia opened her closet doors and took a glance at what she had. Knowing Lena, she would make sure Olivia's outfit was up to par with hers and that was hard enough. Her best friend was known for her artistic nature and fashion so matching that would be a challenge in itself.

"Where are we going?" Olivia asked from her bedroom, grabbing a few different shirts and pants to mix and match. Lena made a sound of disapproval as she shook her head.

"Not telling you!" Lena shouted back, walking over to the T.V. and unpausing it. Lena took a seat on the couch and started where Olivia left off. "But wear something nice!"

"I swear..." Olivia mumbled under her breath, taking a look at a pair of ripped jeans and eyed it thoughtfully. She decided she was going to wear it, but she had no idea what shirt to match it with. She chewed on her bottom lip, grabbing a shirt that says 'Pulp Fiction' and a black bomber jacket to top it off. She also grabbed a pair of sneakers and a few bracelets.

Olivia then went to her bathroom, taking a look at her makeup in thought. She wasn't all for makeup but Lena did tell her to look nice. With an internal groan, Olivia put concealer on the bags under her eyes and mascara on her lashes and put a bit of lip gloss. Deciding it was enough, Olivia walked out to present herself.

She walked out, shoes in hand as she took a seat beside Lena as she did a one over Olivia's outfit. With a nod of her head, Lena turned back to the T.V. and turned it off as the dark haired woman finished tying her laces.

"You know how much I hate surprises, just tell me where we are going." Olivia tried one last time to squeeze anything out of her best friend but it was futile. Olivia rolled her eyes as she grabbed her phone and apartment keys.

Before the two left, Olivia's reassurance we quickly washed away by the sound of thunder hitting near the apartment, causing her to wince quietly. Closing her eyes, Olivia inhaled and calmed herself down. She was a grown woman and she wasn't going to let a childhood fear ruin her night.

"Olivia? You coming?" Lena asked once she reached the door and no longer saw her friend behind her. Olivia made herself nod, her eyes still closed as her heart was beating quickly. She definitely needed something to get her mind off the weather and everything that comes with it.


y'all already know I am gonna write a fanfic for my boi connor :)))



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