Chapter XV

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"Doctor? Are you here?" Olivia knocked at Doctor Jenkin's office door vigorously. It was now nine in the morning and Olivia barely got any sleep last night, and it wasn't because of Connor - well, kinda. Thoughts of what happened on the couch ran through her mind constantly. She tossed and turned, but her mind refused to sleep, despite the nominal hours she usually sleeps. Olivia cursed the handsome Android for plaguing all of her thoughts and not allowing her to sleep, but she was every bit thankful that he was there for the moments that they had shared.

Connor was asleep by the time she had left her apartment, but she guessed he wasn't actually asleep. She presumed he was in a rest mode, but she was conscious to a point where he heard her leave. She wondered if he was going to wait for her to return to take him to Hank or was he going to leave by himself. He had yet to say anything about what the blue blood was about, or even whose blue blood it was, but they were a little busy. Connor seemed a little bit distracted and Olivia could say the same.

Olivia stood outside in the cold, waiting to know what the Doctor had texted her about. She had hoped it was about what she had given the doctor, hopefully, Jenkins figured out what she was trying to say through the message. It was a bittersweet feeling, she hoped the doctor found what she was trying to say, but at the same time, she didn't want to say another word about what the message was actually about.

Knocking again, Olivia huffed outwardly as she crossed her arms. Taxis and cars filled the streets of Detroit, the city was alive this early in the morning, slightly surprising her usually because she was either dead asleep or at work by this time. She longed to be at work instead of outside of an empty therapist's office.

Grabbing her phone, she decided to play on her phone. Checking her messages with a swipe, Olivia bit the inside of her cheek once she had seen that Connor had texted her. She wondered why Connor even had a phone to text her with or how he had got her number, but Olivia presumed it was because of his much older caretaker - Hank.


Liv, I want to thank you for everything last night.


When I woke up, you were gone and I just wanted to show my gratitude.

Olivia smiled widely. He even texted awkwardly.

You don't have to thank me, Connor. And I'm sorry for bailing so early, I had an appointment.

Lie, but it's not like he could detect if she was lying through the phone... could he?

I'll see you at work?

Connor immediately answered.

Yes. Although I had to go to Hank's house and pick up some clothes.

Olivia completely forgot that he didn't have anything to wear. She bit her lip as she responded with a quick 'got it' as she heard the sound of a lock disengaging. She put her phone in her pocket, awaiting Doctor Jenkins to open the door for her. The wind blew harshly against Olivia, the cold causing goosebumps to appear as Doctor Jenkins opened the door.

"Olivia. Perfect timing." The older looking woman quickly rushed Olivia to her office, taking their respective seats as the doctor looked rushed. Her hair was messy, the short brown locks usually straight and always looking sleek and fresh, but now her hair was wavy and in every direction. Olivia would comment, asking about the health and mental health of her therapist, but the woman in front of her had no time to speak, especially about herself at the moment.

Inhaling, Olivia waited for the doctor to tell her what the urgency was for. Olivia only hoped it was what she was thinking...

"I found it." The doctor grabbed her notepad, and with many markings on it, Jenkins had truly found out Olivia's message. From the original:

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