Chapter XII

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"Jesus, Hank, next time you call me at 11 at night, I'm not picking up." Olivia complained as she pulled her button up on her shoulders and rolled up the sleeves. As Hank had previously said, he made Connor call her once they had left the Eden's Club - which Olivia still didn't know why they were there.

She acted like she was asleep and was bothered by his call, but she was just glad for an alibi out of that club after Connor had caught her. She went to the department, but looked terrible so she had to put herself together on the drive here and she thanked god she had planned ahead and put an extra uniform in her desk, but she didn't take in account that she totally looked like a rookie but anything was better than what she was wearing before.

The trio entered the police department together, a cup of coffee in both Connor's hand and Hank's. Connor hasn't spoken once since Olivia had entered the car and she was a bit nervous to bring up anything especially with the Traci's memories in Connor's head now.

"Hank, you go ahead and scout out what the problem is. I must speak with Detective Crawford for a moment." Connor finally spoke once the three made their way towards their desks. Hank nodded, eyeing Connor for a moment before leaving the two alone.

Olivia bit the inside of her cheek as she took a seat on her desk. Connor handed her the cup of coffee, his eyes so focused on her that Olivia squirmed in her seat.

"Thank you," Olivia mumbled but she was sure he heard it. Connor rolled up his sleeves as Olivia sipped on the coffee.

"My systems told me that humans need energy after participating in sexual activities."

There goes the coffee. Olivia's eyes nearly popped out of her skull as she put a hand on her chest. Connor stayed silently as Olivia tried to catch her breath. There were subtle ways to get that conversation, but that works.

"I didn't participate in any... activities. I'm sure you can check that with the memories." Olivia defended herself, her eyes now staring challengingly into Connor. The Android remained silent as Olivia nodded.

"That's what I thought." She mumbled as she stood up from her desk. Olivia took another sip of her drink and put the remains of her drink on her desk as she went to walk past Connor but a hand stopped her.

Connor grabbed her elbow, not too tight, but enough to stop her. Olivia's eyes immediately went to his hand as she tried to worm her arm out of his grasp.

"Connor-" Olivia tried, but the Android wasn't giving up.

"Olivia, I'm sorry-"

"Let go of my arm!" Olivia pulled her arm away as she felt her chest get heavier. She could feel herself get taken back to her childhood and tears started to form in her eyes.

Connor saw the tears and immediately let go of her arm. He opened his mouth to voice his concern but the woman quickly stormed off, viciously trying to get rid of the tears as she headed in the direction Hank went in.

The Android quickly stood up to run off after her but Connor felt somebody push him back. His LED turned red, his eyes going to the source of the push to find one certain brown haired detective in his face.

"Gavin, I don't-"

"I don't give a damn what you don't have, you make her cry one more time, CyberLife isn't going to be to fix you." Gavin tapped on his chest for emphasis, his body towering Connor's sitting frame.

Connor rolled his eyes and grabbed Gavin's hand and twisting it to the side, causing the man to kneel. The Android's face was devoid of any emotion as he leaned down to Gavin.

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