Chapter X

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The trio exited the car, Connor angrily pulling his jacket off and throwing on his seat. The android unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt and rolled up his sleeves as Hank held open the door for him.

This was the bar Connor first met Hank. Connor remembered it and he could tell Hank remembered too. All three of them took a seat at a booth, the bartender immediately recognizing Hank and Connor.

"You still have that thing around?" The bartender asked, pouring three drinks into glasses as Connor smirked.

"This thing is paying his tabs, aren't I?" Connor gestured to Hank, who nodded in agreement. The bartender grinned, sharing a chuckle with all three of the men. Olivia's mind was still back at the police department, but she was trying to get back into the conversation.

The bartender came from behind the bar and handed all three of them a pint of their own, Hank thanking him loudly as the three of them each grabbed their own drinks. Olivia slowly sipped on hers as the two men downed their pints with ease.

Olivia watched as Connor finished the drink, wiping his mouth as Hank had to stop to catch his breath. The woman was curious, did androids need to drink and eat? She didn't think so, but Connor just finished his beer in record time, so he must feel it, right?

That brought Olivia to a whole new question.

"Connor, may I ask you something?" Her voice was softer, her brows slightly furrowed as she was genuinely curious. The android turned to Olivia, his brown eyes capturing hers. He nodded, a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Are you... Are you deviant?" Olivia didn't know if she was being blunt or not, but she didn't know any other way to phrase it. Besides, Connor was the most blunt person she knew, but she guessed that was because of his programming.

The android in question bit his lip, his LED turned yellow as he looked over at Hank. Olivia immediately felt the change in the air as she quickly tried to fix it.

"If you aren't, I wasn't trying to... I was just wondering because you still have your... Nevermind." Olivia's cheeks went red as she dug herself a little too deep. Lena always told her she was too curious for her own good and she was right. Connor chuckled softly, the noise was beautiful.

"Yes, Olivia, I am deviant." Connor smiled softly. The way Connor had said her name, it made her feel something in her stomach, but Olivia quickly shook those thoughts. She raised a brow, visibly confused by his answer.

How was he a deviant and he worked to catch other deviants?

"I - we," Connor gestured to the rest of the table before continuing, "hunt and catch the rogue deviants and criminal androids as well as humans. Not all of us are evil, you know."

If Olivia wasn't red before, she definitely was now. "No, that's not what I mean't-"

Hank chuckled softly, a smirk gracing his features. "Relax, kid, he's just pullin' your leg. I guess deviancy actually give you a sense of humor!"

Connor shot Hank a look, one brow raised. "I've always had a sense of humor, Hank, I just didn't have your terrible sense of humor."

Olivia raised her brows, her mouth forming an 'O' as she chuckled to herself. Hank nodded, taking a sip of his drink as Connor smirked.

The famous deviant hunter was a deviant himself. Sure, going deviant wasn't against the law, but Olivia would have never suspected Connor - the perfect android - would ever turn deviant.

The dark haired woman started to wonder, what other emotions could Connor feel? She had seen anger, but not to the extent of rage, what about the other side of the spectrum?

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