Chapter VI

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"Who was that?" Connor asked as he watched the brown haired woman in a black dress exit Captain Fowler's office. Hank raised his head, looking for the source of Connor's curiosity to find Gavin quickly approaching said woman. Hank groaned as he faked throwing up as Gavin and the woman talked, smiles appearing on both of their faces.

Connor raised a brow as he watched the two exit the police department, seemingly unable to look away from the captivating woman. The android mentally shook his head as he turned back to Hank, turning his attention back to the case files. This gesture didn't go by unnoticed from Hank, but the man remained silent for now.

"We have no solid evidence, we have to go back and interview the hostages individually." Connor explained as he skimmed through the very short case file on the desk. Hank groaned as he put his head on his desk and didn't move.

"Yeah, no. That sounds like a job for when I get drunk and wake up." Hank abruptly stood up, grabbing his coat from his chair as he ran a hand through his hair. Connor raised a brow as he tilted his head to the side.

The android checked the time, seeing it was already eleven in the morning and Hank didn't get any sleep due to the robbery. Connor bit the inside of his cheek, debating if he should voice his thoughts or keep to himself.

The decision was made for him when Hank turned back around once he finished putting his coat on. The older man took a moment and looked Connor up to down before he finally spoke.

"Hey, Connor, you comin'? We still didn't decide who would win that drinking game."

Connor couldn't fight off the stupid grin that came over his face as he nodded vigorously. He stood up from behind his desk, following the Lieutenant. Before they left though, Chris came up to both men, grabbing Connor by the arm as he spoke lowly.

"You aren't going to win. That man has the liver of four men."

Hank chuckled as Connor shook his head. Chris playfully jabbed at Hank's shoulder before returning to whatever he had. Both men exited the precinct, reaching Hank's car in silence.

Connor enjoyed Hank's presence, it made him feel... safe. Sure, he was programmed with thousands of different ways to attack and kill a man, physical safety was no concern of Connor's, but it wasn't physical. There was a void, there always was and Hank was the one to find it and fill it.

"What are you thinking about?" Hank commented on his partners lack of communication.

"Voids. Mine especially." Connor answered truthfully, his eyes focused on the road before them. Hank stared at Connor, a brow raised in confusion as he scrutinized the android long and hard.

"I'm going to regret this..." Hank started off optimistically. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Connor fidgeted with the sleeves of his jacket, a terrible habit he had started and just needed to stop, before continuing onward. "Introspectively, I decided to analyze what had happened over the course of the last few days and I found that I am-"

Hank rolled his shoulders and faced the android in the passenger's seat. Connor, being as naive as ever, this was probably the first time he had ever spoken about how he felt. Once he had became deviant, everything had hit him like a ton of bricks and it had been a rollercoaster.

The deviancey changed Connor, his antics started to show more personality and more life. He could now feel emotions, fear, anger, hate... love. It was unpleasant but Connor wouldn't have it any other way.

But it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows in Connor's world. He had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that he had come to know as fear. He was afraid that since Hank took him in, he would be putting Hank's safety in danger. God knows Connor hasn't seen the last of Amanda in his life time and she was intent on making Connor's deviancy the hardest thing in his life.

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