Chapter XVI

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"Connor, I really do not want to speak to anybody as of right now." Olivia politely told the Android off. She truly wanted to be left alone and wallow in her own thoughts as she ate ice cream. Olivia had been following that routine for two days since her visit to Doctor Jenkins, who had been texting her for the duration of her bedrest. She had told Captain Fowler she was sick with the flu and needed the week off. The police captain was more than happy to oblige, the last thing he needed was his officers and detectives getting sick because of her.

It had seemed that the only person on the planet Olivia didn't account on coming to her apartment at noon sharply was the seventh precinct RK800. She honestly and truly did not want to speak or interact with anybody for at least three more days, Olivia was going through one of her introverted phases, not wanting to see or speak to anybody for hours on end. Lena always chastised her for this, considering she didn't understand it, Lena being an extrovert with the energy of at least five people.

The knocks didn't stop, Connor still calling out Olivia's name in hopes that she could at least open the door for him.

The woman groaned, pulling the blankets off of her body as she tried to fix the mess that she called a hair before she opened the door. She decided it was futile because the rest of her appearance was worse than her hair, her colorful pajamas with a tank top and slippers would not look flattering on any person, let alone Olivia.

"Olivia, I know you are in here, just open the door!" Connor called out, making sure that all of her neighbors heard him. The idea of that made Olivia pick up the speed as she quickly walked to her front door. She quickly undid the locks on her doors, turning the knob and opening the door.

Before her, Connor stood with two boxes in his hands, one of them labeled soup as the second was a box of assorted chocolates. Olivia raised a brow, confused as she looked down at the boxes before she looked back up at Connor. The Android's LED turned yellow, scanning her body as he found that she was in perfect health, and not sick with the flu. Confusion crossed his face, Olivia grabbing him and letting him enter the apartment.

"What are you doing here, Connor?" Olivia asked, crossing her arms as she plopped herself down on the couch. The Android's eyebrows were raised, still not sure of what he should do.

"I-I came because Hank said you were sick and I wanted to make sure you were alright, but it seemed that you are not ill." His eyes were looking Olivia up and down, repeatedly scanning her body for any signs of influenza or any illness at all. The results came back quickly, telling Connor that Olivia was fine and did not have any illness. The woman sighed, noticing that Connor had yet to move. She exhaled silently, standing up and walking to the Android.

"Thank you, Connor." The gesture was cute, even for Connor. His confused puppy dog expression caused a small chuckle to escape Olivia's lips as she took the two items from his hands and went to the kitchen counter with it. She placed the soup and chocolates down on the counter, taking a piece of chocolate with her as she turned around. The Android was watching her, mentally chastising himself to look away from how stunning she looked, even in her pajamas she still did things to Connor.

"What happened? Why don't you want to talk to me or anybody?" Connor asked innocently, his voice trying to stay flat and devoid of any emotion but failed miserably. Olivia bit the inside of her cheek once she had finished the piece of chocolate, hesitating in her answer which caused Connor to turn back around, his hands in his jeans. Her heart rate was starting to race, pounding at an alarming pace of 112 beats per minute, making the Android's brows creased with worry. His entire face contorted to one of concern and worry, even tilting his head to the side.

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