chapter five

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Jessica and Bella decided to sleep at each other's houses again

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Jessica and Bella decided to sleep at each other's houses again. Both girls had troubles sleeping in their own homes, especially Jessica who was afraid of sleeping in her own bed. Bella didn't blame her, because Bella would feel the exact same way, so Bella didn't mind when Jess wanted to stay over.

They both were walking to the cheer squad, as Jessica had cheer practice. Bella was only there because Jess was her ride home, well they were both going to the same place anyway.

'You should try and join the cheer squad' Jessica encouraged, 'It would be really good for you, you know distracting yourself'

'Yeah I would be then I would have to go to every one of their games' Bella added, 'I mean that's not really distracting for me'

Jess shook her head and said, 'As much as I hate Scott, you can't avoid him forever'

Bella knew what she was referencing to, 'Has Justin sent you anymore postcards?'

Jess just shook her head. Bella nodded, as she was happy at the fact that Justin had finally backed off.

'Okay girls are you ready?" asked Chloe as she noticed Bella, 'Oh my god Bella you made it! Changed your mind about it?'

Bella looked over to Jessica for assistance, but she just eyed her, 'Nah I'm waiting for Jess'

'Oh okay' Chloe said with a hint of disappointment in her tone, 'Well the offer is always open'

Bella smiled but wondered why Chloe was being so nice to her? What made Bella so special? She has never been on the cheer squad before, so she didn't have the skills or the 'go lucky personality'.

Jessica smiled once more at her friend as she started her practice. Bella decided to sit on the grass and watch the girls do their thing. But she felt a burning feeling when she saw Mr Porter speaking to the baseball team.

As Bella was staring at them from a distance, a girl called Macy decided to take a sit next to her. Macy decided to look over too.

'They are talking them about consent and all that' Macy answered Bella's unspoken question

'Oh okay' Bella responded as Macy smiled at her, before waiting for her turn to jump into the cheer routine.

Bella started to run her fingers over the fresh grass and dirt. She cuddled her knees and rested her chin, looking over to the baseball team practicing. Scott was facing away from her. She thought about the night they talked for the first time.

'It will be fun' Kat said as she poured corn chips into a bowl and handed it to Bella

Bella placed the bowl on the table with the other food and drinks.

'That was so embarrassing today with Scott' Bella said cringing about the memory, 'What if he doesn't talk to me because of that?'

'Oh my god' Kat only laughed at her friend's panic, 'He will trust me'

Bella decided that night to be trust in Kat's word.

The party kicked off as everyone dancing and gathering their drinks. Bella stood with Hannah Barker on the side lines. They spoke about normal stuff, like school and the latest gossip at Liberty High.

'So, have you talked to Scott yet?' Hannah asked as she nudged Bella

'No not yet' Bella said, 'I might wait until he comes to me'

'That's so stupid' Hannah said, 'Just talk to him'

Bella looked over to the beer pong table and there stood Scott with his friends. He was laughing about sometime Monty had said, which she probably wouldn't find funny. She chooses to stare longer at his breath-taking smile and his Californian kissed skin.

"Go' Hannah whispered in her ear, as if she was the angel on her shoulder, 'If you don't I will and then you will be even more embarrassed'

'Okay I'll go' Bella said as Hannah laughed

Bella nervously walked over to the table, as she looked around for someone to talk to, so it wouldn't look like she had been stalking Scott all night. She found her friend from Italian class, Macy Kennedy. She spoke to her about random stuff, as she tried to get Scott's attention. Macy begun to talk about her recent boy troubles, with some guy from another school. Bella pretended to listen, whilst keeping an eye on Scott. He was calmly talking to his friends, but he did catch Bella's gaze.

This made her beyond nervous to speak to him. She kept speaking to Macy, when she felt a presence behind her. She turned around to find Scott Reed smiling at her.

'Hey Bella' he said as Macy said her goodbyes to her

'Hey Scott' Bella said feeling her palms sweat, he just made her so nervous.

'How are you?' he asked as she just that she was okay and how she was enjoying the party, 'Oh that's good then'

He laughed through those beautiful white teeth. She smiled brightly.

'So you're friends with Hannah Barker?' he asked as Bella nodded

'Yeah we are in the same Math class'

'Oh yeah right' Scott said quite nervously, 'We are in the same history class'

'Yeah we are' Bella laughed as she noticed his nervous eyes

She wondered if he was nervous, just as much as she was. They had a slightly awkward moment. They stood there wondering what to say next to each other.

'So would you like another drink?' Scott laughed from the dreadful silence

Bella nodded with a smile. Scott smiled with a nod, before going over to the drink table. She wanted to do a little dance, but she kept it in. 

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