chapter eighteen

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Jessica and Bella sit on Bella's bedroom floor for another hour

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Jessica and Bella sit on Bella's bedroom floor for another hour. They are trying to figure out what was going on and decided to keep the handwritten note from the box.

The girls decided to compare handwriting samples with the note. Bella's mother was a small part of the Barker's case, therefore she had samples of writing from the witnesses. Jessica grabbed Bryce's handwriting and compared it to the note.

'It looks nothing like Bryce's writing' Bella huffed

'Yeah it doesn't' Jessica breathed out as Bella noticed that she was on edge

'You okay?' Bella asked

'Yeah I just can't do this' Jessica said as she walked over to Bella's bed, 'Every time I see him or think about him, it's like it's happening all over again'

Bella suddenly felt bad about dragging Jessica into this mess, 'I understand Jess. We don't have to look at this stuff'

'I want to help you but I just can't' Jessica pleaded

Bella understood completely, 'It's okay Jessica. We can do something else'

Jessica smiled weakly as they decided to watch a movie. During the movie, Bella quickly texted Clay. She told him that she needed his help and to come over her's, after Jessica was gone.

Clay had replied within the next hour and agreed to come over. He explained that Sheri and Justin were with him, so he was also bringing them over. Bella didn't know what to do now. She didn't want Justin in her house, especially after Jessica had just left her house.


'So you have been getting messages?' Sheri asked, 'And a cow's heart in a box?'

Bella nodded simply. She could tell that Justin was just as uncomfortable in her house. He knew that Bella knew everything about him and Jessica, even after he decided to leave.

'Have you told your mum?' Clay asked

'Like you tell your parents anything' Bella said

'Touché' Clay said

'Lawyer kids' Sheri scoffed, 'If I were you Bella, I would tell someone'

'Yeah I agree' Justin chimed in, 'You guys can't keep trying to figure out stuff on your own'

'I got Bryce's confession on my own' Clay stated

'Yeah I guess' Sheri said looking down at the pictures spread out across Bella's kitchen table, 'We got these from the clubhouse after the game'

Bella nodded, 'Who gave you the other polaroids?'

'Zach' Clay said, 'I think he felt bad about letting Hannah down. Did you know they were in a thing?'

Bella shook her head, 'Hannah only told me that they were seeing each other'

'Of course' Clay scoffed, 'She liked everyone else but me'

'Dude' Justin said but he decided to not continue will he was going to say

'She did like you Clay' Bella stated, 'A lot actually'

'Yeah' Clay trailed on, 'I just want Bryce to pay for what he has done'

'He will pay for it' Bella said as she picked up the picture of Bryce and Chloe, 'I can't believe he would do this to his own girlfriend'

'He's fucking sick' Justin said with a sadden tone

Clay and Justin continued to look through the pictures, as Sheri and Bella talked about her experience at the clubhouse.

'Scott asked about you' Sheri stated as Bella rolled her eyes, 'Don't worry I didn't tell him much'

'Thanks' Bella said, 'I just can't bring myself to trust him anymore'

'Yeah fair enough' Sheri said, 'Especially after the fight'

'I don't even want to talk about that' Bella said, 'He was fighting Clay because of a rumour, that Monty made up. It just proves that he still believes in whatever they say'

'I mean sometimes if you hear something like that, it's hard not to get emotional' Sheri commented, 'I mean love makes you do crazy things'

'Scott hasn't loved me for a long time' Bella said, 'He's been lost for a long time'

Before, Sheri could answer, Justin and Clay yelled for them to come back into the dining area. They walked into Bella's kitchen to found Clay holding up a picture.

'What is it?' Bella asked as Clay didn't say anything

He handed her the picture as she saw Harriet and Scott together on the coach. It wasn't anything disgusting like the other photos, but it sure made her heart drop. She turned the picture around to see the picture was taken on Marcus' birthday.

'That fucking liar' Bella cried as she threw the picture back onto the table, 'He said he wasn't there for his birthday'

'Well he was' Justin chimed in as he handed her another picture

She was hesitant to look at it, fearing the worst from her ex-boyfriend. She looked at it to find a picture of Marcus having sex with a hooker and Scott in the background. She felt like crying from anger.

'I can't believe he would go to the clubhouse and it was a day after we broke up' Bella cried, 'He's such a fucking liar and I actually believed him'

Bella walked off into her living room with tears forming in her eyes. She didn't want Justin and Clay to see her so down or maybe crazy to them. Sheri quickly followed suit and sat down next to her.

'He's a liar Bella' Sheri said, 'All of them are'

'I know' Bella said as she grabbed some tissues from the coffee table, 'I just thought he would say something true for once and he actually care about me leaving'

'I know but there are always two sides to the story' Sheri stated

'Well he lied about his side of the story' Bella said as she whipped under her eyes, 'I hate him Sheri. I fucking hate him. Instead of caring about me, he chose them and fucking Harriet' 

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