chapter fourteen

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Scott decided to walk back to school for the baseball game

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Scott decided to walk back to school for the baseball game. He didn't really have a choice, but to stand by his team. He swallowed hard and played back the moments between him and Bella. He couldn't believe that she believed he was like Bryce and his friends, even after everything they had gone through. 2 years just down the drain, well that's how Scott felt anyway.

He walked into the boys lockroom with his head down. He didn't want anyone to notice where he just came from or ask any incriminating questions.

'Hey man' Zach said, 'Where did you go?'

'Just went to the bathroom' Scott said as Zach gave him a look

'Took a long time in there' Zach commented, 'You know you can tell me where you were'

'It's nothing' Scott said, 'Just talked to someone'

'Bella?' Zach asked

Scott didn't say no or yes, but just by his sadden facial expression, Zach knew.

'What did you guys talk about?' Zach asked as Scott just shook his head

'It doesn't matter' Scott answered, 'Not anymore'

Before Zach could say anything, Bryce called all of the boys over to his locker. Only Monty, Zach, Scott, Bryce and some other players were in the room.

'Guys those tapes have got me fucked up' Bryce put it simply, 'I need you guys by my side'

Scott wanted to roll his eyes, because he was angry. He didn't know what was real anymore, when it came to his friends. He didn't know who was lying. He didn't know Hannah very well, so how could he believe someone who is now gone? He just didn't know.

'Yeah man we got you' Monty spoke up as he patted Bryce on the back

Zach stood there with crossed arms. There was no way he was going to agree with this.


They stood there looking at the baseball field. It was trashed. The words of RAPISTS were burnt into the baseball field. It made Scott even more angry and confused, as he stood there with his team mates.

'Now we can let this bother us' the coach begun, 'Or we can take this field tonight and show people who we really are'

'And who exactly are we coach?' Zach asked

'Apparently we're the rapists' Scott said as his team mate patted him on the shoulder

'Let's not talk like that' their coach encouraged, 'Let's just play a good game'

They all nodded as they took their positions on the field. Monty and Scott stood next to each other, as Bryce practiced pitching.

'Where did you ran off too?' Monty asked

'Nowhere' Scott answered as he kept his eyes on Zach catching the ball

'Bullshit' Monty chuckled, 'I saw you running after Bella'

Scott breathed in hard, 'What's your point Cruz?'

'My point is' Monty began, 'You have so much pussy, you could be drowning in it. But you choose to be stuck on some girl who obviously doesn't want you anymore'

'Yeah I know' Scott responded as he felt his jaw clench, 'It's not like that'

'Okay good because I think her and Jenson have a thing going on' Monty chuckled as he elbowed Scott on his arm

Scott turned to him like he was in a dream, 'What?'

'Yeah man' Monty said devilishly, 'I have been suspicious of them for a while. I mean they are always together whenever I see Bella or Jenson'

'They are friends' Scott said trying to justify what he was hearing, 'They were both friends with Hannah Baker'

'Yeah that could be' Monty said, 'But I did see them holding hands the other day'

'You're kidding?' Scott said as he felt his blood boil

'Nah man' Monty said with a serious tone, 'Would I lie to you?'

Scott didn't want to answer that question. He was too angry and he knew Bella wouldn't do that. But did he even know her anymore? Clay was a nice guy and he wouldn't blame Bella for picking him, instead him. However, just the thought of Clay being with her in anyway, made him beyond angry.

'Just watching out for you man' Monty said as he patted Scott on the shoulder

Scott nodded. He tried to keep his cool, as he felt his hands form into a fist. He wanted to see if it was true, but as if Bella would tell him anything.

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