chapter twenty one

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Bella woke up that morning and immediately checked her phone

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Bella woke up that morning and immediately checked her phone. She found "Tyler" had not replied, but she did get some messages from Jessica.

Jessica- Hey do you want to go see a movie today? Super bored!!

Bella- I think Tyler is the person threatening me

Jessica- Wait what?

Bella- I think Tyler is sending me these messages and I know who sent the box to my house! It was Monty. I remember Tyler always following me and Hannah around. Maybe he wants revenge or something?

Jessica- WHAT THE FUCK? Why would he do that? You didn't testify against Bryce...

Bella- Yeah I know but they probably know I'm involved in taking Bryce down!

Jessica- I'm with Zach and Alex and I showed them what you said. This is fucking insane!

Bella- What did you tell them?

Jessica- Everything.

Bella didn't mind them knowing, but she had no idea how angry it made Zach. She got a call from Zach short after, as he explained how much of a freak Tyler was and that he shouldn't get away with shit like that.

'Zach I'm fine' Bella told him, 'Monty was the one who sent me that cow's heart and we don't know if it's Tyler yet. I mean it could be Monty himself'

'Yeah but still' Zach trailed on, 'I'll see you today at school'

'You're going to school?' Bella asked, 'We have a free period this morning'

'Yeah I know but I have stuff to do' Zach said, 'I'll see you later'

Bella said her goodbyes as Zach quickly hung up on her. Bella thought Zach was acting weird but didn't worry about it too much.


Tyler Down and his friend Cyrus walked down the hallway, as they begun to talk about their concert this weekend. Suddenly, Tyler felt two strong arms pushing him against the lockers. It was Zach.

'What the hell?' cried Tyler as Zach pulled out his phone

'I will destroy you' Zach snapped,

'Hey back off man' Cyrus came up behind him

'Get the fuck off me' Zach cried back as he pushed Cyrus away from them

'You sent Bella these fucking messages?' Zach hissed

Tyler looked at him confused, 'What?'

'You followed her and Hannah around? You fucking freak?' Zach cried, 'What the fuck is wrong with you?'

Zach banged Tyler's head against the locker as Tyler hissed back, 'This wasn't me I didn't do this! I don't know Bella that well!"

'Then why the fuck would you follow her and Hannah?' Zach asked

'Because I wanted to see what Hannah was up too' Tyler said honestly, 'I didn't like Bella like that'

'Doesn't fucking matter' Zach hissed as he banged his head against the lockers again, 'It was you wasn't it?

'What?' Tyler asked confused

'First the rat in my locker and now you're threatening Bella?' Zach began to hold Tyler tightly by his shirt

'This isn't me I swear' Tyler cried, 'This has to be Bryce. It's fucking Bryce, he's trying to keep us all quiet!'

Zach looked around and noticed Scott walking into the school walls. Scott's hair was messy and it looked like he hasn't slept the night before. Zach faced Tyler again.

'If you come for my friends again, I'll murder you' Zach hissed as he turned to face Scott, who was standing there with a confused expression, 'Where were you Scott?'

'What are you talking about man?' Scott asked as he held tight onto his bag strap

'Did you know this fucker was threatening Bella?' Zach cried as Tyler gathered himself and quickly walked away from the two boys

Scott stood there with a shocked expression, 'What do you mean? Threating Bella?'

'Yeah' Zach said simply, 'But I'm sure you didn't hear about that. Listen man, you're a good guy but you were a pretty shit boyfriend. You were not there when she needed you the most'

Before Scott could say anything, Zach walked away from him, but not before bumping him on the shoulder. 

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