chapter six

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Bella watched as Jessica was focused on her homework

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Bella watched as Jessica was focused on her homework.

'God, I hate Ms Barnes' Jessica joked about their Math teacher, 'Like who cares about taxes'

'Well if you want to be an accountant' Bella stated

'Yeah well who cares' Jessica laughed as Bella was sat at her desk, whilst Jessica was stretched out on her bed

Bella tried to focus on her own homework, but she couldn't. Being back home just triggered all of these memories, that she tried to forget. She plugged her headphones into her ears and turned on her playlist. She made sure to only put one headphone in, just in case Jess wanted to speak to her.

She started to play her music but skipped through some songs she didn't want to listen to. She decided to leave it and let it play. She allowed her fingers to type some bullshit story for her English assignment, then the music plays in her ears. She looked at her phone quickly and totally forgot that she had this song. She thought she deleted it. It was a song called Rollercoaster by the Bleachers.

It was a song that played that night, when Scott offered to take her home after the party. They were laughing and joking about this guy's drunken state, as he jumped into Kat's pool naked. They talked about random stuff on the way home; their favourite colours or their opinions about the USA Government.

It was a truly beautiful night and drive with Scott. He even took the back streets, so they could talk more. He would often do that every time, they went on a date or sometimes after school, when their conversations were too good to end.

'Bella' Jessica yelled suddenly which made Bella jump out of her skin

'What sorry?' Bella said quickly as Jessica just laughed

'I had been calling you for the past minute' Jessica said as Bella just shook her head, "Off into your own world huh?'

'Yeah I guess so' Bella said as she ripped her headphones out of her phone, 'Just thinking'

Jessica nodded as she spoke, 'You know I would always blast music after me and Justin broke up'

Bella turned to her friend in amazement that she would even bring that up. It was like Jessica knew what Bella was thinking, but she didn't at the same time.

'Yeah I remember' Bella said

'Do you miss Justin?' Bella asked as Jessica looked at her if she was crazy; or right.

'No, I don't' Jess said defensively, 'I'm with Alex'

'Yeah I know that' Bella said, 'I meant do you ever miss the moments you had with Justin. Not Justin as a whole'

Jessica thought about it for a second then answered, 'I guess so. Do you feel that way about Scott?'

'Yeah sometimes' Bella said, 'Sometimes I can still feel him'

'Oh no' Jessica said in a warning tone, 'Don't think about him like that. Trust me it makes it worse'

'No, I meant I feel him next to me' Bella stated as she walked over to sit on her bed, 'Like he's still sleeping next to me and standing there next to me'

'I really don't think you're over him yet' Jessica stated, 'I mean I don't blame you'

Bella sat up and quickly debunked her friends claims, 'No I am over him, I just miss the thought of our relationship'

'Yeah I get it' Jessica said but quickly reminded her that, 'He hurt you more than anything. He torn your world into pieces Belle. I mean I'm only saying this because I love you and I don't want to see you getting hurt'

'Yeah I know' Bella said as she was grateful that she had Jess, 'I just wish I could turn back time and never get with him'

'Yeah I totally get it, but everything happens for a reason' Jessica said as she shut her Math book, "I'm so over this'

Bella laughed at her friend, but wondered what Jessica was feeling. Her best friend had been through hell and back and it all started with dating Justin.

'Do you remember that time when Marcus was talking shit about Hannah?' Bella brought up randomly as Jessica nodded slightly confused, 'I remember when Marcus was talking shit about Hannah because she wouldn't get with him, then Monty and Scott joined in'

Jessica shook her head, 'Boys say stupid shit'

'I know but I remember having a go at Marcus for it and Scott was quite shocked when I did' Bella laughed slightly at the memory, 'It was after Kat's party and I started to like him, but I thought he showed his true colours, when he said shit about Hannah. But I still dated him anyway, because he said sorry about it. But he wasn't sorry for talking about Hannah, it was just to get me to sleep with him'

'Bella' Jessica said quietly, 'I know Scott was an asshole but I'm sure he didn't stay with you for 2 years so he could just sleep with you'

'I don't even know if he loved me?' Bella breathed out, 'I mean he lied about so many things'

'I know Belle, but I'm sure there is more to it' Jessica said, 'I hate Scott as much as the next guy, but there is always two sides to a story'

'Yeah I guess so' Bella said


Bella walked into school feeling a little gross, as she didn't have time to shower this morning. She walked over to her locker, whilst hearing roaring from Monty and his friends. She quickly looked over to see no Scott, which kind of relieved her just a little.

'Hey Bella' Clay said behind her as she smiled

'Hey Clay' she responded but noticed that he was really on edge, 'What's up?'

'I have something to show you, but don't freak out' Clay said simply

Bella looked down whilst Clay unzipped his front pocket to his bag. He pulled out a photo.

'Here' Clay handed her the polaroid whilst she looked at it with shock

'Is that Bryce?'

'Yeah' Clay said with a worried tone, 'I got it in my locker this morning'

Bella turned it around and read; HANNAH WASN'T THE ONLY ONE

'What does that mean?' Bella asked

'I don't know maybe that Bryce didn't just rape Hannah and Jessica' Clay breathed out, 'And I think I might know who gave this to me'

Bella stood confused, 'Who?'

Clay gave the photo one last look and Bella cautiously before saying, 'I think Scott gave it to me'

Bella's stomach automatically turned inside of her, 'Scott didn't do this'

Clay shook his head, 'He was there when I got it and he was staring at me'

'No Scott wouldn't do this' Bella said quite defensively, 'I'm sorry but Scott didn't care about Hannah or Jess'

'Maybe he does now' Clay suggested

They stood there and to Monty, they looked in deep conversation. To Monty, he would always twist anything he saw and make it into something he wanted to see.

'Hey what's up with Jenson and Bella?' he asked Bryce, 'Do you think they are together?'

Bryce only laughed, 'I don't know but I'm sure Scotty would be pretty fucking pissed and also what a downgrade'

Monty laughed at his friend's comments, but made sure to keep his eye out for anything weird between them. He would tell you it was because of Scott and he was looking out for his mate, but he just wanted to start drama. He was good at that.   

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