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Rose's P.O.V
I felt a sharp pain in my chest before I blacked out. It was like I was swimming in a big black pool in my head. I could see that I was lifted off the ground by Glenn, who ran me over to the white farm house. I desperately wanted to reach up and grab onto his shirt, to let him know I was ok, but my body wouldn't let me. I couldn't hear anything, but saw Glenn and Hershel moving their mouths. Glenn looked to be screaming and Hershel trying to stop some bleeding from my chest. I couldn't feel anything when Hershel pushed down harder to suppress the blood pouring from me. The only sense I had was my vision, but that was quickly fading. Finally it dulled completely and I fell into a deep slumber.

Daryl P.O.V
I felt a sharp pain across the side of my head, falling limp to the ground 'I can't believe that asshole shot me!' I shouted in my head, but all that came out was "I was jus' kiddin'." I blacked out, but not before seeing Glenn pick up a limp body. Instantly my heart dropped. It was Rose. ~Hours Later~ I woke up to Hershel stitching up my side. I flinched a bit from the pain, but stayed still. "The arrow missed the vital arteries, you should be healed up in a few days, but I want you resting and in this room. no need to get yourself injured more." Hershel spoke up. I grunted in response as he finished up. I remembered seeing Rose in Glenn's arms before drifting fully unconscious, and questions flooded my head. "How is she? Is she alive?" I asked a little to desperately. I didn't need some dumb chick gettin' erself killed over me, but for some strange reason I actually, cared if she was alright. I kept that to myself. "She's critical, but stable enough for the night. The bullet missed her vital arteries, as your arrow did, but I still need to get that bullet out. It didn't shatter, so it'll be fairly easy, but I had to tend to you before. No need for infections." Hershel responded. I instantly felt rage grow inside of me. Why in the hell would he think I'm more important than er'? jus' cos' I was in the group longer don't mean nuthin'. I grunted and decided to not throw some sort of fit. "Well, I'm done here. I'll go tend to Rose now." Hershel said, quickly avoiding any awkward silence. I heard a faint knock on the door, and grunted, just wanting to get some rest. Carol then walked in with a plate of food which I'm guessin' was dinner. I pulled the covers almost above my head, hidin' myself from her view. I knew she has scars to, it's obvious with a husband like Ed, but I didn't need er' sympathy fer mine. "I brought you some dinner.." She said, almost whisperin'. "Thanks'" I responded hoping she'd leave. "You know, you did more for my little girl than her father did in his entire life. Thank you, you are just as good as every man out there, every bit." She hesitantly kissed my cheek, and stalked off. The words Carol said gave me hope, I would find er' little girl. Even if it killed me. The kiss was awkward, but it's nice to know someone cares. With that, I drifted off to sleep.

Rose's P.O.V
I started to wake up finally. My eyes feeling like 100 pound weights as I tried to open them. All I could manage to do was flicker them a bit. Who ever was sitting next to me noticed, and instantly grabbed my hand. I flinched a bit, and the person held softer. I tried to concentrate on the hand on mine, there hand being softer than usual, I thought maybe it was Glenn. I opened my eyes with all the strength I could manage, only to see that I was right. Glenn was there watching me intently as I started to wake up. "Your finally awake." He said softly. I smiled a bit, at least I got to see a friendly face when I woke up. "The bullet that hit you missed all your vital arteries, and Hershel finished the surgery to get the bullet out about 2 hours ago. You didn't even flinch" Glenn and I laughed a bit at what he had said. "Way to get to the point Glenn," my voice coming out scratchy from not talking for so long. Glenn laughed a bit, and I cracked a small smile. "Why are you here?" I asked Glenn. He flushed a bright shade of red and looked down. I giggled a bit causing him to look up again. "Well, someone needed to be here in case you woke up, and I'd like to consider us as good friends, and that's what good friends do. They stick together." Glenn finished. I've never really had friends before, other than my brother maybe but it was different. I actually felt a warm and fuzzy feeling. I shouldn't be accepting his friendship so soon. I never trust people that early, but something seemed different about Glenn, like I could trust him. It was risky, but I'd try it out. He probably had way more friends anyway that loosing me wouldn't make a difference, just in case. "Well then, wouldn't a good friend get another good friend some food?" I asked laughing at the properness in my voice. We both laughed as Glenn pulled out a can of peaches. I instantly snatched it out of his hands and hid it under the blanket. "No way! I ain't sharin' these! They're like heaven in a can!" Glenn laughed at my failed attempt to be protective and lazily grabbed the can from my hands, starting to open it. "And what are you gonna' do when I walk away eating them, your on bed rest" He replied sarcastically. I stuck my tongue out at him and pretended to pout. Before I knew it, my mouth was being stuffed with 4 peaches. My cheeks puffed up and I almost chocked. Glenn howled in laughter as I swallowed all 4 and continued to laugh with him. Beth popped her head around the corner and hushed us before leaving again. Me and Glenn stopped laughing, but as soon as we looked at each other, We both laughed again. Laughing with Glenn made me forget my pain, the terrible world outside, and even about how tired I was. Maybe being with this group wasn't going to be so bad.

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