Dirty Looks

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I woke up the next morning to find Daryl gone, which wasn't surprising. Last night was probably the best nights sleep that I had since the whole thing started. I got dressed and headed over to the group for breakfast. It was eerily quite when I got there and I could feel the tension in the air. I knew Glenn was going to tell the group about the walkers in the barn today. I couldn't help but smirk and scoff at Shane, giving me a death glare. He had a freshly split lip, a black eye and a goose egg forming on his forehead. I caught Andrea giving me a dirty look to. What's her problem. "Mornin' Dale" I said sitting next to him. "Morning Rose," He replied handing me a plate of eggs Carol was cooking. I locked eyes with Daryl briefly before I broke eye contact. My stomach did a flip and I turned my attention back to my food and ate quietly. I heard Glenn clear his throat and noticed he was now standing in front of the group. "Hey guys, so, uh.. The barn's full of walkers." He stuttered. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Glenn with shock and fear filled faces. Shane got up and started running towards the barn with everyone tailing behind closely. "You can't tell me your alright with this.." Shane said brushing by Rick and starting to pace. "I'm not, but we're guests here this isn't our land" Rick said sternly. "This is our lives man!" Shane yelled. I heard the dead start to get riled up from the loud voices. This should be fun.. "We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea stated. "This ain't right not remotely." "I agree with T but Ricks right. This isn't our land, it ain't our call." I added, Shane giving me another dirty look. "We either gotta go in there, we gotta make things right, or we gotta go now we've been talking about Fort Benning-" "We can't leave!" Rick cut off Shane. Shane cannot be serious, with Lori being pregnant we can't leave. Maybe Shane should shut his big mouth. "Why Rick why?" Shane questioned. before Rick could say anything Carol stepped up. "Because my daughter's still out there." "Carol's right, we can't just leave Sophia out there, what if she's alive?" I stated crossing my arms over my chest. "Ok I think it's time that we all start to just, consider the other possibility-" "SHANE! We're not leaving Sophia behind Rose is right." Rick rightfully taking his place as leader. "We're close to finding this girl I jus' found er' damn doll a few days ago!" Daryl yelled. "You found a doll Daryl, that what you did you found a doll." "You don't know what the hell your talkin' bout." Daryl spat in Shane's face walking closer. "Hey, woah," I said stepping in between the men placing my hands on Daryl's chest. "Lemme' say what needs to be said here now you get a good lead in the first 48 hours-" "Shane, Shane, Stop!" Rick shoved him back. Daryl glared at me and backed off from Shane. "Let me tell you something else man, if she was alive out there and saw you coming, all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck and your bloody mess of a girlfriend she would run in the other direction!" Daryl couldn't hold back any longer and he lunged towards Shane, this time Rick stepping in front of them. "Just let me talk to Hershel, let me figure it out!" Rick's voice was hard and stern, but Shane didn't get the message. "And figure out what?!" He screamed. Lord help me now, I can't take another minute of Shane's bullshit. "We're gonna stay, we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it this is his land!" Rick demanded. "Hershel see's those things in there as people, sick people." Dale announced. "His wife, his step-son," "You knew?" Rick questioned. "Yesterday I talked to Hershel." Dale said firmly. "And you waited the night?!" Shane yelled "Oh just shut up Shane!" I yelled "You-" he said pointing to me. "I thought we could survive one more night. We did." Dale's voice was stern and he sent a look saying 'back off' to me. I just scoffed and shook my head. I was so done. "I was waiting till this morning to say something but Glenn wanted to be the one." Dale said calmly. "That man is crazy Rick, if Hershel thinks those things alive- NO!" Shane screamed. The walkers in the barn were now slamming on the doors desperately trying to get through to the fresh meat. I wanted nothing to do with this anymore. Today was going to be a long day. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, just standing here I had a thin layer of sweat. I walked away from the group, grabbed my bow and started to head out. "You comin'?" I asked Daryl who walked past my things. "Yeah." He replied blankly. He returned a minute later with his crossbow and we started towards the woods. It was complete silence the whole time, other than an occasional "Your turn" or "got it." We decided 7 squirrels was enough for the day so we headed back, still no talking. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it also wasn't comfortable. Coming out of the tree line, I saw Glenn and Maggie talking, well, more like Glenn talking and Maggie walking away. "Think they made up yet?" Daryl said finally breaking the silence. I then saw Maggie put an egg in Glenn's hat and crush it on his head. I laughed at the sight with Daryl "Oh yeah" I said sarcastically. We headed back to the camp to give the squirrels to Carol who gave me another dirty look. What is with the dirty looks? I shoved the thought away and headed to the house to talk to Maggie. This day should be fun.

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