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Quick A/N! I'm so sorry for not updating for 2 weeks! I was in Montreal last week, as I promised an update, but I got really sick and almost missed my grad :( so here is one update for tonight, another coming tomorrow:) (btw I'm updating on my phone so bare with me:p) on word with the chapter!!!->

Rose P.O.V

After a week of frequent visits from Glenn, check ups from Herchel, and long talks with Maggie, I was finally able to get up and do some small chores around the house. I absolutely hated being inside, I felt like I was getting to close to people. I needed my space, and quickly before I blew up at people. As soon as I was aloud to get up this morning, I grabbed my bow and went instantly into the woods. I didn't even bother with anyone anymore, yeah I liked the group but I was probably going to leave as soon as I got the chance. Glenn and Maggie were friends, but I didn't let them in. I tried to draw my bow, earning a ripple of pain in the right side of my upper chest, almost at my shoulder where the bullet hit. I winced but tried again. This time getting to a full draw, shooting a nearby tree. After I collected my arrow, I started hunting a few squirrels I came across, humming a song called "Stairway to Heaven" I knew quite well before the apocalypse. I had about 7 squirrels and decided to go back to camp. I handed the squirrels to Carol who took them gratefully and I headed into the house. "Oh there you are! Did you want to come down the the creek and go for a 'swim' with me?" Maggie yelled, getting my attention. "Sure, why not." I said with a small smile. When we got to the creek a little ways out into the woods, Maggie asked a question I was dreading. "So, do you think you'll stay?" I honestly didn't know what to say. "Honestly Mags, I don't know." Was all I could manage. Maybe she got the fact it wasn't a question to prod at so she left it alone for now. On our way back, we ran right into Shane heading towards us. "Hey, Rose can I talk to you for a minute?" A bad feeling hit my stomach but I shooed it away. "Yeah of course, go ahead Mags I'll meet up" I said. "We need to talk." Shane said sternly, changing his mood completely. "I thought that's what we were doi-" "No. Shut up and listen you little bitch!" Shane whisper yelled cutting me off. "You've over stayed your welcome and you've been nothing but a bother. I think it's time you leave." I was shocked but I've heard it before. "You know what Shane, I don't like your tone. Maybe you should watch your mouth or there might be a fist coming your way." I said, sticking up for myself. "Your nothing but a dick" I spat. "You little bitch" suddenly I felt something hard connect with my jaw and I almost fell to the ground. He punched me, that little.. Before I knew it I threw a punch into his jaw knocking him back. I then punched at his ribs, causing him to bend over taking the perfect opportunity to knee him in the nose. I felt a sickening crunch under my knee and noticed his nose was probably broken. "Asshole" and with that, I ran back to camp leaving Shane all by himself on the forest floor.

~later that night~
I hadn't seen Shane since our little chat. I sat by the fire admiring the colours and the evening sky. I decided not to join the group for any dinners they might have had, squirrel was better anyway. At least that's what I wanted to believe. I thought of leaving a lot, and finally decided to do it tonight. I thought I saw a rustle in the wood beside me, thinking it was another dead, I grabbed my bow. I nocked an arrow and slowly walked over. All of a sudden, Daryl popped out and fell right into me. I put the arrow back quickly. "Watch wer' yer' goin." He growled, sending a scowl my way. "Not my fault I thought you were a dead." I snapped back. 2 could play this game. "Dumb bitch.." He mumbled, but it didn't get un noticed. "Excuse me hick, but your the one being a little bitch right now. Go take your sissy attitude elsewhere." I yelled. I didn't care what he thought. I didn't need him, stupid hick.. "Why don' you just pack up yer' shit and get outta here, ain't no use fer' you." He spat back. I did exactly that to. I walked right past him, grabbed my already packed bag, and put our the fire. I'd been waiting for the chance to leave anyways, no one needs me. I'm no use here. Daryl just went back to his tent, leaving me alone finally. I decided maybe to go to the highway, and scavenge a car to use. I was stopped when I got close to the house by Rick, or as I call him BabyBlue. "Hey hey hey, woah, where are you goin'" he said, stopping my rampaging path. "Leaving. I'm no use here, no one needs me. I'm a bother, Shane even proved it." I spat, a little less harshly than I thought. I pointed to the bruise under my left eye Shane had left me. "He did that!?" Rick whisper yelled, looking very shocked but you could easily see he knew something like this would happen. "Please Rose, don't leave. People actually like you here. It's been rough because of you being injured but give it a chance." His words made me want to actually stay, like maybe there was a chance. I did something I've never done before, and that was ignore my stubbornness and stayed. Maybe it piss Daryl and Shane off so I could at least get some fun out of it. "Look BabyBlue, I think you actually might be right, so I'll stay a few more days." He looked relieved and pulled me into a small hug. I flinched at the contact but soon hugged back, but not before he gave me a weird look. I just walked back to where I had set up camp earlier to try and get some sleep. "Maybe it won't be so bad.." I whispered to myself before falling asleep.

I'm sorry if this was bad but I'm having a bit of writers block so please bare with me! And suggestions would be great! Thank you ! 😊

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