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The nights seemed to have gotten longer and the days dragged on. It had been a week since the night he saw my scars and it's been the same ever since. We would go through the whole day only connecting eyes and brushing our hands when we passed. I would meet him by a fire, sit with him for a bit and then fall asleep in his arms. I got dressed for the day and grabbed my bow. Someone needed to go on a run soon to get more supplies so I vollentered. Daryl have me a worried and protective look but I was planning to ask him to come with. I'm stubborn but I'm not stupid, it's dangerous to go alone when you have peoples lives on your hands. I walked out of the tent feeling the cool breeze against my cheeks. Fall was my favourite season and I couldn't wait for it to get here. I walked up to Lori and Carl, sayin a quick hello and eating my breakfast. "Rick and Shane are going to take Randel back today, and I'm worried sick." Lori whispered. "I know, I am to, I know there was something going on between the three of you since I got here." I muttered. "Well I don't like the way Shane is right now, he thinks the baby is his. But it's not, it's Rick's and always will be." She looked like she was trying to convince herself to but I let it brush past me. I nodded and reassured her as best as I could, before getting up and tossing my plate out. "Rose! Can we go back down to the water today?!" Carl yelled running up to me. I laughed and ruffles his hair. "I'm goin' on a run darlin' but tomorrow I promise" he looked a bit disappointed until I leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Don't tell yer' momma but I might bring back some extra special toys for ya'". His eyes lit up and he jumped up. I put a finger to my mouth and he pretended to zip his lip. I laughed and shooed him away making my way over to a flustered Rick. "I'm goin' on a run, need anythin'?" I asked pulling him out of his trance. "Uh, yeah, here's a list of stuff for the group. Who ya taking with?" "I was thinking of takin' Daryl, don't wanna steal Glenn away from Mags" we laughed a bit before he realized he still needed to figure out where to go. I grabbed a pen and highlighted a route on the map. "That'll take you to the school, good place to drop him off. Watch the walkers though, they might have a few over there." He have me a thankful look and patted my shoulder. I shrugged and asked him where Daryl was. He nodded behind me and I turned around to see him walking towards us with squirrels. I shook my head and walked up to him. "Comin'?" "Where?" "On a run with me" I smirked a little bit. "Yeah. Hold on," he grunted. I scoffed lightly and grabbed my things. I jogged over to the truck where Daryl was standing. I hopped in the passenger seat, Daryl driving. I waved to Carl slightly as we pulled out of the dirt drive way. The drive was quiet and the truck was filled with awkward silence. I was caught up in my thoughts and before I knew it we were at a small shop. I cleared my throat and climbed out of the truck, grabbing my bag. Daryl gave me a small nod before banging on the window, loading his crossbow. I notched an arrow and waited. Opening the doors, we quickly checked around the store for any walkers. I made my way to the back of the store. A door to the storage room was cracked open so I motioned for Daryl to come over. He nodded and I pushed the door open. 3 walkers turned from feasting on their meal to look at us. We both shot 1 in the head and I took the last with my knife. "Not to old, better watch it." Daryl muttered kicked the corpse. I nodded and made my way over to the back of the storage room to see a ton of canned food. "Jackpot." Daryl and I said with a smirk. I loaded up the cart and patted Daryl on the arm to let him know I was ready. His arm was rock hard and a shiver ran up my spine. I hardened myself up and pushed my thoughts away as we walked through the store and picket it clean. I walked over to the clothing section, looking around to make sure Daryl wasn't around. I grabbed new panties and a few new bra's, which were much needed. I heard someone clear there throat and I glanced to see Daryl looking awkward. "Ready?" He asked staring at the floor. "Yeah, let's go" I said chuckling a little bit. Now I knew I had an effect on Daryl like he had on me. We hopped in the truck after loading it up and headed out of the parking lot. Something glinting in the sun caught my eye. I lazily looked out the window until my eye caught what was glinting. It was old ford mustang 1969 alone in a parking lot. It was covered in dust but you could clearly see the red from underneath, and it was completely untouched. "Hold up," I sighed letting my curiosity get the better of me. Daryl slowed to a stop and I jumped out of the truck and sprinted for the car. I felt a smile ghost across my face. It was my real smile, one I haven't used in a long, long time. I let my hand run over the hood of the car before I popped the hood. I heard boots clunking on the pavement and saw Daryl walking up to me lazily. I felt the smile grow bigger when he caught my gaze but quickly tried to wipe it from my face. "You gonna help my with this or what?" I asked him. He shrugged before whistling lowly at the car. I looked through the engine, carbs, and battery to make sure everything was in check before opening the door and trying to start it. It died for the first few tried but came to life on the fourth try. Daryl grabbed a gas can from the truck and handed it to me before walking over to his truck. I filled the tank up and closed everything up and sitting in the driver seat. A million memories hit me like a freight train when I touched the wheel, so much that it felt like it was on fire. I sighed and shifted to drive before pulling out of the parking lot to meet Daryl. I glanced over to his truck to see him smirking at me. I knew exactly what he was thinking. I revved the engine, and we both took off down the road. Dust flew behind our tires making clouds, and the engines would draw walkers for miles but we didn't care. I laughed when I passed Daryl, before both of us slowed to a stop. I jumped out of my car and ran over to Daryl, laughing as the adrenaline slowly coursed through me. "I win" I said shoving my hands in my pockets. "Yeah, in your dreams" Daryl scoffed and we both bust out laughing. Suddenly I felt him grab my waist and pull me into him, placing his lips on mine. I was shocked at first but melted into the kiss, holding onto his arms. The kiss grew more intense, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as he lazily drew circles on my skin. We pulled apart to breath, but didn't break apart. "Are we making a habit of this now?" I asked slightly out of breath. Daryl let out a chuckle that vibrated my chest, and I guess we both took that as a yes. "Guess we should head out now fer' they think somethin' happened." he said pulling away and hoping in his truck. "Race?" I said giving him a smirk as I climbed into the mustang. "Yer' one" And with that we took off, leaving nothing but dust.

Quick A/N I'm so sorry I didn't get to post yesterday and this chapter isn't exactly how long I thought it was going to be :/ but how does everyone like the Daryl and Rose action? More? Less? Let me know what you think in the comments! Thank you everyone! xoxo

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