Chapter 2: Hello, love

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Beep...Beep... Beep...
Who would've thought that I wouldn't mind that noise anymore. Vianna thought with a smile on her face.
It was the day after meeting Tom and saying she was happy would be an understatement. Even with her fever and shivers, the smile on her face never disappeared. The thought of Tom's visit, fresh on her mind.
Her family was glad to see her this way. They have never seen her this happy. Ever. In her entire life.
Vianna felt tired, though. More than usual. Her eyes grew heavy as she started closing them and giving into the darkness.

Twenty minutes later,Vianna was awoken by a knock on the door. She looked at the time and saw it was 6:13 pm. She looked around the room and saw no one. Probably out for dinner, she thought. She weakly shouted, "come in." She felt weaker than usual and she didn't like it one bit. Her smile was slowly disappearing until the person at the door entered.
There, at the doorway, stood Tom in the simplest blue jeans and button up shirt. He looked handsome, like always. Vianna's smile immediately made its way back to her face at the sight of him.
"Hello, again, love." He said, shyly. Wait shyly?! No that can't be. Why would he be shy?
"Tom? What are you doing here?" Her cheeks were rosy and the wide smile was still there.
"I-I uh came to see y-you.. again haha.. to see how you were doing?" He stuttered. Stuttered?! What in the world?
"Oh haha. I'm oka- ow" she didn't even finish the sentence when she felt a sharp pain on her back. It hurt so much that tears started to form at the corners of her eyes.
"Vianna? Hey! Are you okay?! I'll go call your nurse. It's okay, love. I got you.I'm here for you. " Tom was panicking. He was frightened. He couldn't lose her. Wait... he couldn't lose her? He just met her. And plus, these types of things happen... right? He shook those thoughts away and pressed the call button for the nurse.
The nurse rushed in seconds later.
"Hey, sweetheart. What's wrong? Where does it hurt?" She asked. Vianna pointed to her back as she curled into a ball, tears now falling.
"Okay,sweetie. You're okay. You're okay. I'll go get Doctor Derbez. You're okay, alright, sweetheart?" She ran out of the room to get the doctor, worried she'd lose Vianna as well. Lord knows how much Vianna has changed her life.

Doctor Derbez and Nurse Sally ran into the room not long after. Vianna felt pain on other bones now and didn't know how to cope. Tom was still by her side, holding her as she cried. She held onto him tightly and he rubbed her back gently, trying his best to ease her pain. Her family was there in a matter of minutes. They came from the waiting room where they were hanging out while they let Tom spend time alone with Vianna. The camera in the corner has been forgotten as Vianna cried in pain. Doctor Derbez soon injected her with something and she calmed down a little.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Her family asked.
Vianna wiped her tears, a faint smile forming on her lips as she looked at everyone in the room, stopping at Tom.
"I'm okay." She whispered.
Not five minutes later, she fell asleep with Tom still by her side, holding on to her. He didn't want to let go. His eyes has not left her sleeping body. Tears brimming in the corner of his eyes, but he refused to cry. He kissed her forehead, and whispered in her ear. "I got you. I'm here for you, babygirl. Okay?Always."
Vianna's family stared at the pair. They stared at how he treated her, how much he cared for her. They let him stay with her, even though they knew he should've been gone by now. This scared them. She was getting attached to him and it seemed that he was getting attached to her as well. It wasn't good for either of them. He had a career to maintain. He wasn't going to stay forever. He wasn't going to be able to be there for her. She was going to be heartbroken when he left. They saw that in Vianna's eyes, there was love and adoration every time she looked at him or talked about him. She was going to be heartbroken. And they could do nothing to stop it.
Tom didn't want to leave her side, so he stayed. He fell asleep with her in his arms and he felt a warm feeling in his chest. He was falling in love and he didn't even know it. He didn't even expect it.

The next morning, Tom woke up before Vianna. He stroked her hair out of her face, looking at her with adoration, a faint smile on his lips. He pressed a kiss on her cheek, not noticing her little brother, who had come earlier that morning looking at them, his heart clenching at the thought of Vianna being heartbroken. He cleared his throat, quietly but loud enough to catch Tom's attention. Tom softly cleared his throat, also, moving away, slowly. He moved to stand up, slowly so he wouldn't wake up the angel in his arms. Jack motioned Tom to follow him outside and Tom did just that. They walked to the cafeteria and sat at a table on a far corner. Further away from other people, so they wouldn't listen in on the conversation  they were about to have.
It was silent for a while until Jack spoke.
"How long are you staying?"
"I don't know." Tom sighed. "Maybe a week?"
"Maybe a week?She's getting attached. She's falling for you. You can't stay. She's going to be heartbroken when you leave. She was happy to meet you. So happy. She's always loved you. I mean, you play her favorite superhero for Christ's sake. But I can't let you hurt her. The more you stay, the more she gets attached, the more she falls in love with you, the more she hurts when you leave. Plus she's 16, you're 22. It won't work. So do all of us a favor, go back to your world. I don't want my sister to be in more pain than she is. She's already in enough as it is."
Tom didn't know how to respond. She was falling in love with me. She's getting attached. She's going to be heartbroken when I leave. I can't believe it. What do I do? It's not like I can be with her. That's wrong. I know it is, but I think I'm falling in love with her too. Should I stay or go? Tom would have never thought that this decision he had to make would a hard one.
"I know." Was all he said.
Jack sighed. "Look man, you're a great guy. But I think it's best you leave and go back to where you came from. I don't mean that in a rude way, but you and us, live a completely different life. I'm sorry, but it's true. And you know it."
Tom felt tears brim in his eyes. He didn't want to go because truth be told, he was getting attached too. He excused himself, trying to make a decision. He couldn't, he knew this should be easy to decide, but he didn't know what to do. And so, he called Harrison.
"Haz?" Tom practically shouted through the phone.
"Hey, Tom. What's up? Are you okay?"
"I need your help. You know that girl that had used her one wish to meet me?" Tom spoke in a rush.
"Yeah? What about her?"
"I think I'm falling in love with her. I don't know what to do. I don't want to leave her. At least not yet. I know I have to start filming a movie soon, and I want to spend the time before that,with her. But I can't because her brother just told me that she was falling in love with me, too. And that she was getting attached. Which would be bad for when I leave because it'll hurt her. I don't know what to do." He breathed out. He was hyperventilating.
"Tom. Calm down. You really like this girl?"
"Yes, I really, really, like her." Tom responded.
"Then spend the rest of this week with her. Use your time wisely, man. But then again, her brother, also, had a point. She will be heartbroken when you leave. So, the decision is yours to make. Do you want to stay by her side and spend, what could be the best days of your life, with her? Or do you want to leave, now, and save her less pain and possibly ruin your chance with her?" Harrison told him.
"You made this harder than it already was." Tom sighed.
"I'm sorry, but this is up to you. I'll see you later. Okay?"
"Yeah. Okay. Bye." Tom was confused. He didn't know what to do and he was frustrated. He thought about the pros and cons. Thirty minutes passed before he made his decision. He felt that it was the best one. So, he went with it.

He stayed for a week. It was as long as he could stay before he had to go back to work. He didn't want to leave. He didn't want to hurt her. Harrison had called him earlier, telling him their flight would leave in an hour. An hour was all he had left before he leaves her for who knows how long. He didn't know if he will ever see her again and the thought alone, scared him.
He walked into Vianna's room. She was just waking up when he walked in. "Hey, Spidey." She said in a soft voice. Tom felt a chill go down his spine at the sound of her voice. Her voice is lovely in the morning. He thought, but immediately shook that thought away. "Hey, Love. Look. I have to go. I'm sorry. But I have job to maintain. I have to go back to my life." Tom's words were like knives to Vianna's heart. He didn't mean for them to sound rude or as if he didn't like being with her.Nevertheless, she smiled at him, trying to not let it show how hurt she was. Tom, however, saw it in her eyes as he stared into them. He noticed her eyes flash with hurt as soon as the words left his mouth, but he had no time to try to explain before she responded him.
"Of course. I understand. Uh I-It was uhm nice m-meeting you, Tom. This week was amazing. Thank you for being here." Vianna stammered, feeling like she's saying goodbye forever.
"It was nice meeting you too, Vianna. You're welcome. Goodbye, love." With a kiss on her forehead, he was gone, his heart falling into a black hole.
Tom paused outside her door and shakily whispered the words that he has told her many times already. "I'm here for you, babygirl. I got you. Always"
Inside the room, at the same time, Vianna whispered, her heart breaking into pieces, "You were here. You had me."

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