Chapter 5: Please Believe Me

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Vianna's birthday was next month. December. She was turning 19. Her first year of being cancer free since she was in her early 16s. She tried to enjoy it. She went out more often, mostly because of her best friend, Payton. She's the only one who's been by her side. They have always been inseparable since freshman year of high school and now in college, they were closer than ever. Payton tried to get Vianna's mind off of Tom, especially now, since Tom started dating a celebrity.
When Vianna found out, she was heartbroken. She cried for a week before realizing she should be moving on too. She has her whole life ahead of her. So, that's what she's been doing.
It was Friday morning, she was on her way to get coffee at the Café just down the block from her apartment. It was beautiful out and she enjoyed the wind blowing through her hair as she skateboarded on the sidewalk. She was in a good mood today. She had a date later in the afternoon and she was actually looking forward to it. It was with an old friend and she was glad to know that he hasn't changed from the gentleman he was in high school.
As she walked in the Café, she looked around to find a table where the least people sat. Thankfully she found one on the right of the entrance, with a beautiful view looking out of the window. She set her backpack down so that no one would take her seat and ordered her coffee. Once she had it, she sat down and opened her backpack to take out her book. The Maze Runner.
It was one of her favorites. She's read it many times before. She remembered the first time she discovered it, back in seventh grade. The book was just her type and she had finished all of them by the beginning of freshman year.
She was really into the book when she heard the bell at the door, signaling someone just walked in. Looking up from her book, she saw a man, looking around, probably looking for a seat like she had done earlier. Something about him looked familiar to Vianna, but she couldn't quite place what it was until he turned to face her. Vianna gasped and looked down immediately, her heart beating so fast she felt as if it would burst out of her chest.
She tried to hide behind her book, hoping he wouldn't notice her and at first, he didn't. That is until he walked past her to sit on the table behind her with a cup of tea in his hand. He, immediately recognized her. Right as he walked by her table and he, too, gasped at the sight of her.
He didn't know what to do. He hadn't heard from her for a year, or seen her, not including the pictures he still had of her and him together. He stood there staring at her, lost in his own mind and Vianna tried to ignore him. The bell rung again, signaling the arrival of someone else walking in. That made Tom shake his head lightly, coming back to the real world. He, still, hadn't moved and Vianna was getting more nervous by the second.
"Vianna?" A voice asked. Tom looked confused for a moment. He had not spoken. It wasn't him who called out to get her attention.
Vianna looked up at the sound of her name, a look of surprise coming across her face before a smile forming on her lips along with a sigh of relief. It wasn't Tom. It was Axel, the guy she was meant to go on a date with later.
"I thought it was you." He chuckled as he silently asked if he could sit down, Vianna immediately agreeing.
"Hey Axe, what are you doing here?" She asked.
"I needed a little coffee after studying. Haha, you know finals coming up and all that. What about you?"
"Just wanted to get out of my apartment and get some coffee as well." She giggled,quietly.
"Are you re-reading The Maze Runner? Man! You used to love that book when we were younger. I remember you watching the movies so many times. You talked about it so much, I felt as if I was the one that read and saw it." Axel laughed at the memory and so did Vianna.
"It's a great book! And the movie is amazing! You know, Dylan O'Brien has always been one of my favorite actors." She said , excitedly.
By now Tom had sat down on the seat behind them, facing Vianna and listening in, but trying to be low key.
"Yes. I know! Along with Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, and Tom Holland . I remember." He smiled, unknowingly to the fact that Vianna had a thing going on with Tom, since she never told him. Vianna blushed at the fact that he remembered and Tom didn't fail to notice. "You know, I'm really looking forward to our date later." Axel said, a small smile on his face.
"Me too." Vianna answered, a smile, also, in her face. Tom stiffened as he registered what he had said. He felt a sudden anger and he wanted to go up to the guy and punch him, but he didn't. He knew he had no right to.
For a moment, Axel and Vianna just sat there, smiling at each other. That was until Axel had to go.
"I have to go back to studying, but I'll pick you up at 7:00. I'll see you later, V."
"Okay. See you later, Axe." Vianna said.
She decided that she should leave too, remembering that Tom was still there, staring at her. She put her book in her backpack and closed it as quickly as possible before grabbing her skateboard, that was on the floor beside her and in less than 2 minutes, she was out the door. Tom was,quickly, behind her.

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