Chapter 10: Beautiful Children

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"He's beautiful." Vianna cried, quietly, the sleeping baby in her arms.

"Yes he is." Tom smiled with teary eyes. "We made him, babygirl. Our baby."

"Our baby." Vianna whispered, kissing the baby's forehead.

"My mom just called. She said she's so excited to see him come home and that everyone couldn't wait 'til we finally tell them the name we chose. Are you ready to take him home?" Tom whispered from beside her, pressing his lips on her skin and looking down at their baby.

"Okay." She giggled at the thought of everyone trying to get Tom and her to tell them the name they had chosen, for months. "I'm ready."

Tom drove them to their new home. They had both decided that since they wanted to start a family, they needed to have more space and a more homely environment. So, while they were trying to have their baby, they went and found their perfect home. Everything was all set up for when they brought their baby home. They walked in and both of their families were inside.

"Welcome home!" They shouted, not knowing the baby was sleeping. The room went quiet as the baby started fussing.

"Shh. It's okay, baby. I'm here." Vianna soothed. She smiled at everyone as she made her way to the room that Tom decorated for the baby.  He hadn't let her help with anything. Only letting her choose how to put everything.

"Is he okay?" Tom asked, worriedly, rushing behind her.

"Yes I've got it, baby."

"Are you sure?" Tom pressed.

"Yes, Tom. Now go keep our guests, company." She giggled.

Tom smiled and nodded, walking back.She checked the baby's diaper making sure it wasn't dirty, then checked to see if it was time for him to eat. After she had fed him and changed him into some comfortable clothes, she made her way back out to the living room where everyone was.

Her eyes scanned the room for her amazing and handsome husband, spotting him talking to one of her "friends." She was at his side before any thought clouded her mind, standing as close to him as possible.

"Hey! There they are!" Tom said, excitedly.

"Hey, baby. Oh! Natalie! How have you been?" Vianna spoke, trying not to sound rude.

"Hi! I've been great and I see, so have you. You're really lucky to have this sexy man right there. And for him to stay with you even though you were sick! Oh! How sweet!" Natalie said, tauntingly. "Seriously, how did you manage to get him to be with you, did you bribe him or something? I mean there's no way he made the first move. Especially, when I was here the whole time." As she said the last part, she had placed a hand on Tom's chest, running it up and down, flirtatiously. Tom was quick to push her away, however. Vianna clenched her free hand, trying to control herself.

"Actually, I pursued her, first. All she wanted was to meet me, at least once. I made the first move. I kissed her first, I asked her out, I proposed, I married her, I made love to her lots and lots and lots of times." He ranted, making sure to emphasize just how much he's made love to her, making Vianna chuckle at Natalie's face. "and now I'm starting a family with her. I went after her and all that time I never noticed you once."

Vianna was, still very angry and Tom took notice of it.

"C'mere baby boy. Come to daddy." Tom gushed at the baby, taking him from Vianna's arms. Vianna was about to walk away, not wanting to cause a scene, before Tom stopped her.

"You too, babygirl. Where do you think you're going?" He pulled her arm back, towards him, pulling her whole body against his and wrapped his hand around her waist, knowing fully well how angry she was at the moment.

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